vray for sketchup是将vray整合嵌置于sketchup之内,vray for sketchup成功的沿袭了sketchup的日照和贴图习惯。使得方案表现有了最大程度的延续性。vray for sketchup参数较少、材质调节灵
V-Ray for SketchUp provides designers with faster rendering, better lighting tools, and the ability to create and visualize complex scenes. This designer-friendly rendering solution for SketchUp
features dramatic improvements to visualization workflow with V-Ray RT and improved image based lighting quality with the V-Ray Dome Light. V-Ray Proxy allows for easier complex scene
management with highly detailed models.
【插件兼容】:SketchUp 2016/2017/2018/2019/2020(Win)
草图大师软件 SketchUp Pro 2020 v20.0.363 Win/Mac 英文中文破解版
Maya插件:集群仿真插件 Golaem Crowd v7.1.1.1
Maya插件:集群仿真插件 Golaem Crowd v6.2.4