FLIP Fluids是专门的一个水流设置、运动、渲染的拆按,效果可以类似于Houdini, Phoenix FD, Bifrost, Mantaflow等
The FLIP Fluids addon is a tool that helps you set up, run, and render liquid simulation effects. Our custom built fluid engine is based around the popular FLIP simulation technique that is also found in other
professional tools such as Houdini, Phoenix FD, Bifrost, and Mantaflow. The FLIP Fluids engine has been in constant development for over four years with a large focus on tightly integrating the simulator into
Blender as an addon. It just feels like a native Blender tool!
【插件兼容】:Blender 2.79 或者更高版本
【免费下载】:城通网盘 访问密码:6688 百度网盘 提取码:rtyk 阿里云盘
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