插件可加速和增强您的建模过程。 在几秒钟内,在不扭曲周围面孔的情况下,提高几何体的分辨率(甚至是布尔切口!),撤消/重做斜角等等! 我期待听到您的反馈和功能建议。 玩得开心,我希望你喜欢使用这些工具!
A set of tools for blender 2.80+ that will accelerate and enhance your modelling process. In a matter of seconds, upscale the resolution of your geometry (even boolean cutouts!) without distorting the faces around, undo/redo your bevels and much more! There are more tools incoming and I eagerly await your feedback. Have fun and I hope you enjoy using the tools!
【插件兼容】:Blender 3.0~3.4
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