FLIP Fluids 流體插件可以幫助您設置,運行,并呈現液體模拟效果。我們定制的流體引擎基于流行的FLIP仿真技術,該技術也可以在其他專業工具(例如Houdini,Phoenix FD,Bifrost和Mantaflow)中找到。FLIP Fluids引擎已經持續開發了四年多,主要緻力于将模拟器作爲附件緊密集成到Blender中。感覺就像是本機的Blender工具!
The FLIP Fluids addon is a tool that helps you set up, run, and render liquid simulation effects. Our custom built fluid engine is based around the popular FLIP simulation technique that is also found in other professional tools such as Houdini, Phoenix FD, Bifrost, and Mantaflow. The FLIP Fluids engine has been in constant development for over four years with a large focus on tightly integrating the simulator into Blender as an addon. It just feels like a native Blender tool!
【插件版本】:v 1.6.4
【插件兼容】:Blender 2.8~3.5
城通網盤 訪問密碼:6688 百度網盤 提取碼:xjey 阿裏雲盤 Tera Box
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