可以快速制作Maya绑定,比如样条线类型、手脚、FK支链(手指、尾巴、翅膀等)、头部、眼睛等,支持Maya 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018,Win/mac/Linux
“Rapid Rig: Modular” is a new tool I have been developing for over two years. I have taken everything I have learned and built into “Rapid Rig: Advanced” and tore it down to its core, then built it back up into something with incredible flexibility. If you want a character with 4 arms, two heads, 20 eyes, 14 fingers, 8 legs, etc. you can now achieve this with this very powerful and robust tool while having very similar functionality to Rapid Rig: Advanced.
【兼容软件】:Maya 2014-2019
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