強大的 Plexus 粒子插件終于迎來了一次重大更新 Plexus 3,增加和改進了衆多功能,
Plexus is a next-gen particle engine for After Effects that lets you create, manipulate and visualize data in a procedural manner. Not only you can render the particles, but also create all sorts of interesting relationships between them based on various parameters. The workflow for Plexus is very modular allowing you to create truly infinite set of configurations and parameters.
官方介紹:http://aescripts.com/plexus/ 或 https://www.rowbyte.com/plexus/
Plexus 3.1.2 更新内容:
– Installer support for CC 2018.
– Fixed container issues on some OBJs.
– Improved Plexus 2 project upgrades.
– Fixed ‘internal verification error’ in some comps.
Plexus 3 新版特性:
Object based UI 全新定制的UI操控界面
Depth Map Culling 深度貼圖
Motion Blur 運動模糊
Sound Effector 音頻效果器
Null Object Performance 空物體控制提升
Slicer Object 物體切割
Path Object Improvements 物體路徑
Seamless Beams 無縫線條動畫
Custom Visibility Settings 粒子可視化控制
Improved OBJ ImportOBJ 導入提升
Unified Rendering 統一渲染
Nested Compositions 鑲嵌合成模式
Loop Noise 循環噪波
插件支持 Win 系統:
After Effects CS5.5 – CC 2018
百度網盤 密碼:t9ob
紅巨人粒子特效套裝插件 Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.3 Win/Mac
AE插件:節點式三維粒子特效插件Superluminal Stardust 0.9.6Win/Mac
紅巨人降噪磨皮調色插件套裝 Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite v13.0.5 Win/Mac