Blender插件-彩色线框渲染工具专业版 Colorframe Renders Pro
使用ColorFrame Renders Pro为您的项目创建美丽多彩的线框渲染,并让您的演示更上一层楼。
Stash 152 电视广告栏目包装VFX动画创意样片合集
Blender插件-FBX模型导入导出工具 Better FBX Importer & Exporter v5.0.3
Blender插件-城市楼房建筑模型预设 Blender Market – Citybuilder 3D
AE插件-中文汉化版解决字体变化画面长宽不适配的跳动问题 Monospacer v1.2.3 Win/Mac
AE插件-中文汉化版抽象创意矢量艺术视觉特效 Plotter V1.0 Win
Blender插件-模型打组控制插件 Gumroad – Group Pro v2.2.5
Blender插件-模拟火焰燃烧扩散特效 Ignite – Fire Dynamics V1.00+使用教程
Ignite为 Blender添加了一种全新类型的物理模拟。到目前为止,“火”模拟始终是静态的:火焰只是从同一个地方源源不断地冒出来。取而代之的是,使用 Ignite,您可以点燃小火,看着它蔓延并消耗掉物体。随着热量在表面和空气中传播,材料燃烧并留下烧焦的表面。
Ignite adds a completely new type of physics simulation to Blender. Up until now, “fire” simulations were always static: flames just came endlessly from the same spot. Instead, with Ignite, you can start a small fire and watch it spread and consume the object. As heat spreads over the surface and through the air, the material burns up and leaves behind charred surfaces.
AE脚本-条件过滤选中图层 Advanced Selection v1.0
AE/PR插件-虚拟现实VR/AR/XR视觉特效插件 Mettle Mantra v2.24 Win/Mac
进入After Effects和Premiere Pro中的AR内容创建。包括360 / VR视觉特效以使镜头变得生动. Transform your footage into surreal and fantastic animations. After Effects and Premiere Pro.
-V2.24更新:BUG修复;兼容苹果 Apple M芯片
Blender插件-赛博朋克科幻灯光三维模型预设 Cyberpunk Emissive Inserts – Kpack – Sci Fi Lights
这套预设包含30种赛博朋克科幻风格三维灯光模型预设,支持KIT OPS插件。
KPACK works with Kit ops. KIT OPS is the premiere kitbashing asset management tool for Blender with over 50,000 downloads. It works in both – FREE and PRO versions.
Real geometry
It is super easy to use and can be used in different workflows.
Inserts are made with no bevel applied, so you can modify them even further if you wish.
You can make anything that you want, whether it be mech, gun, crate, cylinder, or even a whole environment, such as a galaxy station or base on Mars.
The pack is made in Blender 2.9, which means it works in both versions – 2.9 and 3.0+.
Blender预设-角色模型预设 Lollipop Characters V1.1.2
Lollipop Characters™ is an Addon and/or growing Library of stylized character rigs and assets for Blender. Volume 1 contains 10 unique stylized characters, each with their own libraries of utilities and wardrobe of clothes ready to go.
Blender插件-蜘蛛网生成器 Cobweb (spidernet) v2.1
这个程序化的蜘蛛网生成器可以帮助您快速地用美丽微妙的蜘蛛网填充您的场景。 使用起来非常简单。
This procedural cobweb generator helps you quickly fill your scene with beautiful subtle cobwebs. If you are doing any abandoned or fantasy interiors, this addon will save you a lot of time while improving the quality of your renders dramatically. Filling a scene with the customized cobwebs can take only minutes.
图片无损放大变清晰锐化软件 Topaz Photo AI v1.1.4 Win
这是集合了之前软件Denoise AI、Sharpen AI、Gigapixel AI的一些强大功能,创建的一款一体化照片增强软件Topaz Photo AI。 使用创新的技术锐化、消除噪点并提高照片的分辨率,最大限度的提高您的图像质量。
Blender插件-花草树木植物绿化模型预设 Botaniq Tree And Grass Library V6
Blender插件-模型弯曲细分网格效果器 Simple Bend v2.2.0
专业桌面设计排版出版中文版软件 Affinity Publisher Win/Mac
AE模板-三维游戏视频推广电影预告片动画 Game Zone