Blender插件-框选多个对象调整编辑工具 Power Select v3.2+使用教程
Power Select 结合了 Blender 的 Box Select 和 Tw...
AE教程-表达式学习讲解教程 Udemy – After Effects Expressions KickStart Course 2020 (英文字幕)
【分 辨 率】:1280 x 720
【教程语 言】...
AE模板-未来派科技感每日新闻发布会事件灾难国家新闻政治访谈观点简报视频片头动画 Analytical Studio
ZBrush插件-布料撕裂 Torn It
Torn It可以在ZBrush中模拟衣服撕开破裂的效果
ZBrush plugin to make cloth cuts/torns
Mask the part u wanna torn and press “Torn it ” :)
Tested in multiple versionsو all works fine
AME 2021 视频音频编码软件 Adobe Media Encoder 2021 中文/英文破解版 Win/Mac M1
内置LUTs的ARRI Pr...
ch 2023 实时2D人物动画制成软件中英文版 Adobe Character Animator 2023 Win/Mac
FCPX插件-时尚动感卡点快节奏体育视频包装片头 Dynamic Sport
AE脚本-电影分镜头场景解说故事版展示 Storyboard Pro 1.0.0
Storyboard Pro是一个AE扩展脚本,可让您直接在After Effects中创建故事板。非常适合独立的故事讲述者、工作室、机构、学校和学生、摄像师和视频制作团队。您可以为每个场景或相机设置许多不同的选项。您可以选择图像、描述、镜头类型、镜头大小、主题、帧速率、镜头、持续时间、相机移动、声音等。还可将故事板导出为可以共享和轻松重新导入的不同格式
Storyboard Pro is an extension that lets you create storyboards directly After Effects. Storyboard Pro is ideal for independent storytellers, studios, agencies, schools and students, videographers and video production teams.
Blender插件-模型约束控制 Blocker v0.1.7
Blocker is a simple-to-use addon for quick blocking out a shape and stylizing. There are loads of tools out there, but I was looking for a way to design a form quickly. It’s like placing blocks (cubes) first, joining them, and modifying them.
Blender插件-选择旋转控制 Rotate Face v1.7
使用这个辅助小工具,而不破坏相邻面的法线方向。它将帮助您更轻松地阻挡硬表面平面。Rotate selection, using helper gizmo, without breaking adjacent faces normal directions.It will help you to block in hard-surface planes more easily.
3DS MAX插件-路径拖尾动画插件 Ghost Trails for 3ds Max 2010-2024
Ghost Trails是3ds max的动画挤压修改器插件,可以模拟程式化运动模糊效果、轮胎痕迹、光路径循环拖尾等效果
GhostTrails is an animated extrusion modifier for 3dsmax. It is ideal for stylised motion blur effects, tire tracks, Tron light-cycles and many other uses.
AE插件-物体表面跟踪合成 Aescripts Lockdown v3.0.1+使用教程