Blender插件-电缆电线模型生成器 GeoCables v2.1.0 – Geometry Nodes Cables
GeoCables is a Blender Addon that allows you to generate procedural hanging cables by using Geometry Nodes.The core of the addon is Geometry Nodes but the addon makes it much more convenient by offering functions like Drawing in the Object mode by simply clicking on surfaces or converting objects to cables.
Blender插件-三维下水管道模型生成器 GeoPipes v1.0.1 – Geometry Nodes Pipes
GeoPipes is a Blender Addon that allows you to generate procedural Pipes by using Geometry Nodes.The core of the addon is Geometry Nodes but the addon makes it much more convenient by offering the ability to create pipes in the Object mode by simply clicking on surfaces.
AE插件-路径弯曲线条气流电流动画生成 Omino Snake V2.1.41 Win/Mac+使用教程
Omino Suite是一套老牌的免费插件,使用其中的Snake插件您可以在想要流动图像或噪波的位置绘制遮罩,这样很容易制作移动气流或直线图像(如火车、龙、蛇等流体)BOA插件也有类似的效果,当然使用新插件Volna制作如上效果可能会更便捷,Omino Snake插件给大家又提供了一种制作思路。插件最后一次更新是在2014年,所以在新版AE软件上可能不稳定,建议关闭多帧渲染。
Blender插件-外太空三维星球天体生成器 Physical Celestial Objects V0.1.0
插件Physical Celestial Objects让您只需点击几下即可创建真实比例的物理精确行星。可设置纹理、半径、旋转、角度、大气层等。
Nuke/Vegas/达芬奇/Scratch人像磨皮润肤美颜视频插件 Beauty Box OFX 5.0.8 CE Win
Digital Anarchy 比较出众的一款磨皮润肤美容插件 Beauty Box ,计算画面快速,可实时渲染(特定GPU),还提供了大量预设,可供选择使用。Beauty Box 插件可自动识别肤色并创建遮罩,只在皮肤区域内使用平滑效果过滤器,且让它分析视频,设置平滑选项,并让插件渲染,使皮肤修饰美白变得非常容易。
PS插件-人像磨皮润肤美颜 Beauty Box v5.0.6 Photoshop CE Win
为您的照片应用数码化妆!Beauty Box Photo 可让您快速轻松地消除皮肤瑕疵和皱纹,均匀肤色,减少油光——获得始终如一的专业效果。该插件使用先进的皮肤平滑技术,可增强各级摄影师在Adobe Photoshop中的工作。插件使用简单。这款皮肤平滑软件可以节省您数小时的制作时间,同时让您的客户看起来更年轻。此外,30 多种新预设让您可以为图像应用不同的颜色样式和外观。让我们看看插件是如何工作的。
AE插件-文字图形翻转动画插件 Aescripts Odometer V1.1 Win/Mac+使用教程
AE插件-中文汉化版动态线条路径描边绘制生长动画 Volna V2.4.4 Win
Blender插件-镜头光效耀斑 Flared V1.9.4 – Lens Flares In Blender
FLARED是一款实时镜头光效耀斑Blender插件 ,可在Cycles和Eeve中直接在Blender的VIEWPORT中工作。
FLARED is a REAL-TIME LENS FLARE GENERATOR that works directly in the VIEWPORT of Blender both in Cycles and Eevee. Really easy to use.
AE/PR插件-Win/Mac中文汉化版红巨人视觉特效转场宇宙套装 Red Giant Universe V6.0.1
AE/PR插件-视觉特效插件合集REVisionFX Effections Plus v22.09 CE Win含Twixtor/Flicker/RSMB
插件套装REVisionFX提供了多种优秀的插件工具,如视频降噪,超级慢动作无极变速,去闪烁,变形,调色,镜头修复等;Twixtor/Flicker/RSMB/Flex等是非常受欢迎的常用插件。兼容Win系统的AE和PR。 目前提供的是v22.09.0版本。
Blender插件-三维自定义女性角色基础模型预设 Customize Female Base Mesh Anime Style V1.3
Create up to 106 female anime style character meshes mixing and matching different parts. Customize it to help increase your productivity! A good base mesh allows you to save time with good proportions and clean topology.
AE插件-带能量光效控制的图像3D弯曲圆柱 Power Cylinder v1.1.6 Win
A 3D Cylinder plugin with power controls! Elliptic distortion, unfolding, rich shading, self shadowing, reflections, DOF and comp lights and camera.
AE插件-模拟有机生物绒泡菌霉变增长动画 Physarum v1.3 Win/Mac
Blender插件-智能渲染 Ai Render – Stable Diffusion In Blender V0.6.6
Render with Stable Diffusion in Blender. This add-on renders an AI generated image based on a text prompt and your scene.Create incredible AI generated images with Stable Diffusion easily, without running any code on your own computer!
Blender插件-科技感模型生成 Random Flow v1.8.0
Random Flow可以在选中的模型面上快速生成各种科幻凸起效果,快速添加细节
Random Flow is a random mesh generator designed for fast and easy hard surface prototyping and concept art. This is the beta version with a lot more functionalities expected in the future.
中文版PS插件-胶片调色降噪锐化HDR图像处理特效滤镜Nik Collection V5.3.0 Win/Mac
包含了八款PS插件,可提供近200种高质量的创意效果以及一系列创新的图像编辑工具,只需单击一下即可使用,同时为您提供无损编辑以实现全面控制。功能涵盖修图、调色、降噪、修复、胶片滤镜等方面。Nik Collection作为很多摄影师和摄影爱好者所熟悉的一大照片后期处理软件,Nik Collection优异的实用性在照片处理时展现出了强大的功能性。因此,也成为很多摄影师和摄影爱好者的必备软件。
Blender插件-蜘蛛网生成器 Cobweb (spidernet) v2.1
这个程序化的蜘蛛网生成器可以帮助您快速地用美丽微妙的蜘蛛网填充您的场景。 使用起来非常简单。
This procedural cobweb generator helps you quickly fill your scene with beautiful subtle cobwebs. If you are doing any abandoned or fantasy interiors, this addon will save you a lot of time while improving the quality of your renders dramatically. Filling a scene with the customized cobwebs can take only minutes.
AE插件-文字图形翻转动画插件 Aescripts Odometer V1.0 Win+使用教程
Beautifully animate numbers, text and symbols. Count anything with Odometer.
Blender插件-树木植物生成插件 Tree Generator V2
Tree Generator可以快速生成树木效果,包括调节树木分支、大小高度、茂密程度等多种参数,支持arnold, blender-internal, blender-game-engine, cycles, eevee, freestyle, luxrender, mental-ray, octane, vray, yafaray等多种渲染器
This setup will work by just copy and pasting it into your scene.Use the edit mode and copy the vertex to get more trees.Works in both EEVEE and Cycles (made to look good in both, have a look at the video linked)
Blender插件-爬山虎常春藤生成插件 Baga Ivy Generator V1.0.3
The most complete ivy generator for Blender. Enjoy full control over your generation, multiple presets and our asset library.