AI插件-多功能创意变形工具套装插件 CValley FILTERiT 5.4.0 Win破解版
FILTERiT是Adobe Illustrator的创意变形效果插件套...
Creating a city environment could be challenging so with this awesome pack you can speed up your modeling process.With this pack you have 50 detailed buildings as base mesh.All models have clean topology and standard quads.
Blender插件-船只绑定专业版工具 Boat-Rig Pro V1.3b
Boat-Rig Pro是一个设计用于装配船只的工具包,它可以让您创建非常逼真的动画。安装快速简便。Boat-Rig Pro is a kit designed to rig boats, it will allow you to create very realistic animations. Installation is quick and easy.
Blender插件-路径绘制模型生成器 Scribble Gen
Scribble Gen 可以根据你绘制的路径,生成各种模型,比如墙面、链条、粒子、曲线等。
Using the power of geometry nodes, Scribble Gen contains the following sets:
Blender插件-螺丝钉生成 Precision Bolts V0.1.4
Precision Bolts可以程序化生成各种精细的螺栓、螺母和螺纹杆等
Precision Bolts is a blender addon developed to bring an array of mathematically accurate Bolts, Nuts & Threaded Rods. plus VERY WIP screws to the precision world of Blender. Not only that, it’s all encapsulated inside the closest thing to a “parametric” system, giving you the ability to change everything on the fly.
AE模板-50个夏季各地旅行文字标题标签图章地图动画 50 Travel Stamps
Houdini Vray渲染器破解版 V-Ray 5.00.50 for Houdini 18.5.408/18.5.499 Win
V-Ray 5 给 Houdini 带来了全新设计的 V-Ray 帧缓...
Ds三维贴图材质制作软件 Substance 3D Designer V12.4.0 Win/Mac 中文/英文
使用 Substance 3D Designer,创建无缝的素材和图案、图像滤...
解决安装AE插件/Trapcode Suite安装错误error/An error prevented the install from completing
An error prevented the install fr...
3DS MAX插件- UV贴图控制插件 UV Tools V3.2m+使用教程
UVTools 可以很直观方便的在3DS MAX上控制模型上的UV贴图
Easy to use uv mapping tools for Archviz and not only
Blender插件-真实水流材质着色器湖泊海洋生成 Real Water v1.1.0
Cycles is required to display the complete effect, Eevee is not capable of displaying the full effect.This node was created in Blender 3.4.1 and may not be compatible with older versions.
AE插件-用数据生成曲线走势图表动画 Dynamic Line Chart v1.07 Win/Mac
动态折线图(DLC)是一个After Effects插件,可立即从数据创建折线图。图表的所有参数和数据本身都可以设置动画。许多参数可以对网格和轴的外观和尺寸进行动画控制,从而可以放大和缩小数据。甚至是动画数据-都可以通过CSV文件(UTF-8编码)导入,也可以从图表图像中重新采样。
PR扩展-静帧图片快速导出插件 Still Exporter 1.1.001 For Premiere Pro
Blender插件-Faceit V2.3.0 手机人像面部动作捕捉
AE脚本-快速制作Emoji表情动画 EmojiKit v1.0+使用教程
EmojiKit脚本让您可以轻松访问AE中的动画和静态表情符号。为现有项目添加个性,为逼真的 UI 制作动画,或从头开始创建独特的东西。一键制作动画或静态表情符号,可搜索/可循环/兼容Lottie,将最流行的表情符号快速添加到任何 After Effects 项目中。