包含灭火器、独轮车、街道垃圾箱、长凳、栏杆、标志、看台、储物柜等模型,用于模拟城市空间、城市环境和街道。包含3DS MAX/Blender/FBX/OBJ格式
Fire extinguisher، wheelbarrow, Street bins, benches, railings, signs, stands, Lockers storages to model urban spaces, city environment and streets.
Blender插件-洋葱皮动作残影工具 Breakdowner V2.0
Ae/Pr/Ps/OFX/Vegas/Nuke/达芬奇蓝宝石视觉特效插件Sapphire 2022.53 Win
C4D插件-三维全景摄像机插件 StudioAvante Blendy360Cam v2.2.1 For Cinema 4D R23 Win破解版
Blendy 360 Cam可以在C4D中生成真正的立体三维摄像...
Blender插件-高精度模型转低精度加速渲染 Instant Impostors V1.0 – One-Click Impostor Generation
With Instant Impostors, users can automatically convert any mesh into an optimized low-poly impostor, massively increasing performance in large-scale scenes. Using advanced shader-based rendering, the impostors display a detailed representation of the original mesh, utilizing 3D parallax, self shadowing, and translucency to further replicate the detail of the original object.
Sa真实材质贴图制作软件 Substance 3D Sampler v4.0.2 Win/Mac 中文/英文
Substance 3D Sampler 是 3D 工作流的核心。轻松将真实的图片...
AE插件-色环色轮视频调色 Warping Wheels v3.0.0
At first sight, one may not immediately recognize the difference between the traditional color wheels and the Picture Instruments Warping Wheels. However, at second glance it becomes clear that the Warping Wheels are far superior to the traditional color wheels.
Blender插件-节点缩略图可视化预览 Node Preview V1.15
AE插件-像素路径拉伸弯曲变形失真视觉特效 Pixelfan v1.0.3 Win/Mac
沿路径剪切、弯曲和拉伸图层,以创建独特的失真效果、毛刺效果等。Cut, bend, and stretch layers along paths to create unique distortion effects, glitch effects, and more.
Adobe 2024 Win/Mac 软件中英文版免费下载(持续更新……)
Adobe After Effects 2024
Adobe Premiere Pro 20...
Blender插件-三维模型中心点变换移动 Pivot Transform V3.3
3DS MAX插件-自动生成照片相框插件 Frame Maker v1.11