Blender插件-轻松切割Ngon面建模工具 Face Cutter V1.7.0
Face Cutter是一款方便的建模工具,专为轻松切割Ngon面而设计。它允许您通过轻松定义的捕捉点在选定的面上切割垂直线(或旋转)。它是用于一般建模任务的非常方便的工具。与原始Blender的K刀工具相比,它提供了更好的功能。此外,它类似于Blender中的 Ctrl R,但该工具也适用于ngons。
Face Cutter is a handy modeling tool designed for cutting ngon face easily.It allows you to cut perpendicular lines (or rotated) on selected face, by easily defined snapping points.
能够切割整个网格(使用 Blender 的 Knife 投影 API)
Blender插件-烘焙工具 Baketool V2.5.0
BakeTool 是 Cogumelo Softworks 开发的内部解决方案,用于使用 Cycles 和 BI 进行烘焙渲染。对于那些使用 Interactive Ambient、Arch Viz、Games… 并且需要为您的资产、完整场景、高多边形到低多边形法线贴图等提供 Blender 烘焙解决方案的用户,烘焙工具正是您所需要的。
BakeTool is the In-House solution developed by Cogumelo Softworks for Bake Rendering with Cycles and BI. For those that work with Interactive Ambient , Arch Viz, Games… and need a Blender Baking Solution for your Assets, Full scenes, High Poly to Low Poly Normal Maps and others, Bake Tool is just what you need.
Blender插件-后期滤镜调色 Post FX V1.31
Post FX包含超过40种后期功能,包括调色预设、添加光效、色相饱和度曝光、信号损坏特效等
Post FX is a powerful addon that upgrades Blender’s compositor with 40+ new core features.Easy to use Layer System for simple workflows.Powerful Pie Menu for experts.Create your custom pipeline in seconds without touching a single node connection!
3DS MAX插件-阿诺德插件Arnold渲染器 SolidAngle MAXtoA v5.4.2.7 For 3ds Max 2021/2022/2023
在SIGGRAPH 2016宣布发布3DS MAX版本的阿诺德插件
Launching at SIGGRAPH 2016, Arnold for 3ds Max (or MAXtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard 3ds Max interface.
AE模板-游戏区锦标赛网络体育高科技徽标3D小故障HUD UI流媒体CS射击游戏logo展示宣传片头动画
Blender插件-模型约束控制 Blocker v0.1.7
Blocker is a simple-to-use addon for quick blocking out a shape and stylizing. There are loads of tools out there, but I was looking for a way to design a form quickly. It’s like placing blocks (cubes) first, joining them, and modifying them.
Blender插件-选择旋转控制 Rotate Face v1.7
使用这个辅助小工具,而不破坏相邻面的法线方向。它将帮助您更轻松地阻挡硬表面平面。Rotate selection, using helper gizmo, without breaking adjacent faces normal directions.It will help you to block in hard-surface planes more easily.
3DS MAX插件-路径拖尾动画插件 Ghost Trails for 3ds Max 2010-2024
Ghost Trails是3ds max的动画挤压修改器插件,可以模拟程式化运动模糊效果、轮胎痕迹、光路径循环拖尾等效果
GhostTrails is an animated extrusion modifier for 3dsmax. It is ideal for stylised motion blur effects, tire tracks, Tron light-cycles and many other uses.
AE插件-物体表面跟踪合成 Aescripts Lockdown v3.0.1+使用教程
FCPX模板-媒体音乐播放器音频可视化动画 Custom Media Player