3DS Max插件-专业高性能实时交互CR渲染器 Chaos Corona 9.0.17380
C4D插件-专业高性能实时交互CR渲染器 Chaos Corona 9.0 Win
Blender插件-布尔切割创建3D模型 Grid Modeler v1.29.0
Grid Modeler是方便创建3D模型的便捷工具。Grid Modeler使您可以按照绘制的形状进行布尔切割或在彼此顶部创建网格。这是Blender中的新建模工作流程。它被证明是非常有效的。
Grid Modeler shows snapping grid lines on your selected face. You can use it on multiple faces (co-planar), or even selected edge (edge’s normal).You can draw shapes, then Boolean cut it, create a new face + extrude, or Boolean Slicing. It has rich functions and it can help you to create new mesh very fast.
AE/PR插件-抽象梦幻背景生成器 Mettle Flux v1.15 Win/Mac
3D Volumetric Fractal Flames. Create beautiful backgrounds, Nebulas and sci-fi fx, in traditional and 360/VR formats.
AE插件-专业3D网格变形扭曲 FreeForm Pro v1.99.4 Win/Mac
FreeForm Pro是一款专业的3D网格变形插件,功能和效果非常强大,能模拟制作出一些意想不到的效果。可以After Effects图层转换为:地形,变形有机形状,基元数组,水模拟等等! 也适合角色动画。主要有网格扭曲、置换贴图和渲染基本体三大功能。还与GEOLayers2插件兼容。
Ae/Pr/Ps/OFX/Vegas/Nuke/达芬奇蓝宝石视觉特效插件Sapphire 2022.53 Win
AE插件-中文汉化版动态线条路径描边绘制生长动画 Volna V2.3 Win
Blender插件-预设库管理工具 Modular Workspaces+使用教程
Blender插件-三维场景模型灯光 Lighter v1.0.7
Lighter is the easiest and fastest way to have a decent lighting setup for your models. I made this addon for people like me who are not really good at lighting. One way to solve this problem is the brute force way. Trying thousands of setups in a matter of seconds. And that’s exactly what this addon is about.
Blender插件-模型自动适应精细度 Auto LOD
Blender Auto LOD是一种快速简单的工具,可为场景中的所有对象制作自动 LOD(细节级别)。使用Blender Auto LOD ,您可以节省渲染时间,并在文件中使用更少的内存!插件会为场景中的所有对象添加抽取修饰符,抽取值将根据与主对象的距离自动计算,您可以选择,您还可以设置最小抽取值,范围从主要对象,您可以一键删除所有抽取修饰符!
Blender Auto LOD is a fast and simple tool that make auto LOD (level of details) for all of your objects in the scene.With Blender Auto LOD you can save your render time, and use less memory in your file!
Blender插件-FBX模型导入导出工具 Better FBX Importer & Exporter v5.1.6
Blender插件-三维模型平滑预览 Smooth Preview V1.2
Smooth Preview是一个旨在模拟 Maya 中的“3”的插件。它切换多个对象的细分曲面。适用于多个选定对象。Smooth preview is an addon intended to emulate the “3” in maya. It toggles the the subdivision surface of multiple objects. Works on multiple selected objects
Blender插件-雕刻模式选区隐藏 Selection To Mask
此插件将在雕刻模式下遮盖隐藏您选择的顶点。This Addon Will mask your Selected Vertices in Sculpt Mode
Blender插件-形态键管理 Shape Key Manager Pro V1.4.2
Shape Key Manager PRO is designed to speed up your shape key rigging workflow. It allows you to duplicate and/or mirror your shape keys while maintaining and retarget their drivers.Have you ever finished rigging setting up the drivers for one side of your character only to have to repeat the same tedious workflow for the other side. With this addon you can accomplish the task in less than a minute.
Blender插件-加逼真雾纹理体积雾 Fog Planes Addon v1.0
Fog Planes插件在blender 3d 环境中完成了雾的工作。它为您提供了大量的雾纹理,这些纹理带有高级着色器,用于在雾平面中进行必要的单独调整。它易于使用,只需单击几下,您就可以创建逼真的雾,为您的渲染提供正确的神秘氛围。无论您需要用于静态渲染还是动画,使用Fog Planes雾平面插件,您都可以快速为自然场景添加细节,从而获得出色的效果,并且不会不必要地增加渲染时间。
This Fog Planes addon completes the work with fog in the 3d environment. It provides you with a large gallery of fog textures which come with advanced shader for the necessary individual adjustments in the fog planes.It's easy to use and with a few clicks you can create realistic fogs that give your renderings the right mystical atmosphere.Whether you need it for still renderings or for animations, with the Fog Planes you can quickly add a detail to nature scenes that gives great results and don't unnecessarily increase the rendering time.
AE插件-中文汉化版静态图片局部流动循环动画特效 loopFlow v1.2.1 Win/Mac兼容苹果芯片
loopFlow是一个After Effects插件,它允许将静止图像动画化为循环视频。使用两个遮罩,您可以确定流动区域和方向。用它来动画连续的流体运动,如流动的水、滚滚的烟雾、飞行的粒子和火。您还可以为头发、毛皮、织物或图案制作动画,您的想象力是极限。动画基于沿两个蒙版之间生成的网格滑动图像区域,您可以轻松制作循环动画。
3DS MAX插件-阿诺德插件Arnold渲染器 SolidAngle MAXtoA v5.4.2.7 For 3ds Max 2021/2022/2023
在SIGGRAPH 2016宣布发布3DS MAX版本的阿诺德插件
Launching at SIGGRAPH 2016, Arnold for 3ds Max (or MAXtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard 3ds Max interface.
AE插件-人体骨骼IK绑定联动 BAO Bones V1.5.10 Win/Mac
The easiest way to rig and animate in After Effects! Setup and animate with IK in as little as 3 clicks.
BAO Bones V1.5.10 更新内容:修复了Puppeteer内存问题; 兼容 Apple M芯片
Blender插件-三维人物模型生成器 Human Generator v3.0.4
Human Generator is a Blender add-on and comes with full customer support for use in Blender, but currently not for other 3D software.
AE/PR插件-中文汉化版镜头快速模糊虚焦特效Fast Camera Lens Blur v5.2.1 Win/Mac
插件可以快速制作逼真的摄像机镜头模糊效果,渲染速度快!多种参数可控制. 此外,它还可以渲染通常通过组合几层模糊来表示的辉光。插件支持4种类型的模糊:正六边形,正八边形,十二边形和16边形。
AE/PR插件-中文汉化版时间映射帧混合紊乱扭曲视觉特效 Time Bend V1.0.0 Win
Time Bend插件通过组合相对于当前帧的不同时间的相同素材的多个帧来扭曲素材。我们可以将一组参数分为三个主要部分:时间轴上的帧、映射源的转换和混合选项。可以制作很多特殊的混乱扭曲视觉特效。
AE插件-中文汉化版物体表面跟踪特效合成高级工具 Lockdown v2.8.6 Win
Blender预设-25个低多边形三维人物模型 Dosch Lo-Poly People Vol. 2: Kpack 1
25个低多边形人物模型,带有1K漫反射和法线贴图。用于中远距离相机拍摄。还包括低聚 OBJ 文件。25 Low Poly models with 1K diffuse and normal maps. Use for medium to long range camera shots. Also included are the low poly OBJ files.
Blender预设-250种动漫卡通着色器模型材质Blender预设 Alt Tab – Procedural Anime Pack
包含46种材质和200多个模型和基础网格,可以在任何场景中使用!它们的范围从 自然资产、室内元素到杂项物品,以填充您的场景并使其栩栩如生!支持Cycles和Eevee渲染器