Blender插件-树木植物生成插件 Tree Generator V2
Tree Generator可以快速生成树木效果,包括调节树木分支、大小高度、茂密程度等多种参数,支持arnold, blender-internal, blender-game-engine, cycles, eevee, freestyle, luxrender, mental-ray, octane, vray, yafaray等多种渲染器
This setup will work by just copy and pasting it into your scene.Use the edit mode and copy the vertex to get more trees.Works in both EEVEE and Cycles (made to look good in both, have a look at the video linked)
Blender插件-爬山虎常春藤生成插件 Baga Ivy Generator V1.0.3
The most complete ivy generator for Blender. Enjoy full control over your generation, multiple presets and our asset library.
Blender插件- PBR分层材质贴图制作插件 Super Texture V1.8
Generate PBR textures from any image in Blender!Super Texture is a one-click addon for generating multiple PBR maps from a single image.
Blender插件-阵列散布插件 Quick Assembly 2022
We wanted to create a tool that can automate working with Geometry Nodes and Instances so that artists can simply click a button and have entire procedural setups built for them with maximum performance. With this tool, you can array, scatter, add a variety of fx such as ivy/snow/damage and procedurally assemble your scene.
Blender插件-便捷菜单工具集合包 Machin3tools 1.2.0 DeusEx
这些电影旅行查找表 (LUT) 是由Bryn North随着时间的推移开发和改进的,因为他在世界各地旅行。每个环境特征都塑造了这组杰出色调的外观和感觉。无论是沙特阿拉伯沙丘的红色、苏门答腊丛林的绿色还是纳米比亚灌木丛的平原,总有一款外观可以增强您作品的风格化色彩。每个LUT在创建时都考虑了标准化的标准Rec.709色彩空间,并且可以进行调整以适应大多数摄像机类型和配置文件*。
AE/PR插件-中文汉化版红巨人粒子特效套装 Red Giant Trapcode Suite v2023.1.0 Win
AE插件-中文汉化版抽象纹理背景生成器 YY Voronoi v2.1 Win/Mac
AE/PR插件-中文汉化版马赛克网格像素化视觉效果 Recursive Mosaic v1.2.1 Mac/Win
Not your grandfather’s mosaic filter. Recursive mosaic subdivides the grid further to preserve or discard as much image detail as you like. Useful for novel pixelization effects or jpeg artifacts simulation.
AE/PR插件-中文汉化版老录像带信号故障毛刺干扰特效 Signal v1.2.3 Win/Mac
AE/PR插-字体控制变换工具件 VariFont v2.0.1 Win/Mac+使用教程
插件可以在AE中将一些可变字体进行控制(貌似只支持英文字体),After Effects本身不支持VF,但是通过VariFont插件,您现在可以在After Effects中使用此技术。 主要优点之一是可以动态设置动画轴(例如粗细,宽度和倾斜度)。但是,我们不仅要提供基本的轴动画,而且还设计了“动画器”功能以允许范围选择,形状控制和随机性,我们认为这使该插件非常灵活和强大。VariFont is a native plugin for the support of Variable Fonts in After Effects.
AE/PR插件-中文汉化版万花筒分割模糊迷幻视觉特效 Split Blur v1.1.1 Win/Mac
插件提供千变万化的模糊视觉,且带有有机的绘画感。该效果将图像分成其自身的多个混合副本。分割的距离是根据每个像素的亮度动态计算的,并且可以多种方式进行调制。分割模糊在较小的模糊级别上看起来像是常规的高斯模糊,但会逐渐转换为距离更远的独特万花筒图像。 Kaleidoscopic blur with an organic painterly feel.
AE脚本-导出json格式的Web动画 Bodymovin v5.10.0 Win/Mac
Blender预设-合成渲染节点预设 MeshQ – Blender Compositing Node Group
Blender预设-女性角色模型预设 Sculptors Toolbox – Generic Female Basemesh
Blender插件-中心轴点控制插件 Gizmo PRO V3.5.1
The gizmo PRO addon is designed to simplify working with graphics tablets when working with meshes and bring a new experience when working with gizmo. It is also great for working with the mouse, adding more variation when editing objects.
Blender插件-中心轴线可视化插件 Visual Axis V1.2.0
Visual Axis可以让Blender的轴线可视化,方便自己对模型做XY轴的变化
Visual Axis is a “visual aid” tool for showing X, Y axis for “cursor transform”.When using the cursor transform for iregular angle, sometimes we are not sure about the X, Y direction, this tool is designed for this purpose !
Blender预设-卡通漫画眼睛预设 Stylized Anime Eye Generator V1.0
Stylized Anime Eyes is a procedural eye texture generator as a node group for Blender. Designed from the ground up with heavy customization in mind to measure up to the incredible variety seen in anime eyes, you can create countless eye variants with ease.
达芬奇/AE/PR/VEGAS多格式视频编码渲染加速输出插件Voukoder v12.0 Win中文版
Blender预设-角色模型预设 Lollipop Characters V1.1.2
Lollipop Characters™ is an Addon and/or growing Library of stylized character rigs and assets for Blender. Volume 1 contains 10 unique stylized characters, each with their own libraries of utilities and wardrobe of clothes ready to go.
AE插件-中文汉化版动态线条路径描边绘制生长动画 Volna V2.4.1 Win
Blender插件-飞船模型生成插件 Starship Generator V1.1.0
Blender预设-城市楼房环境模型预设包 Urbaniac – City Asset Pack V2.4.2 Pro
Is more than an asset pack. It´s a powerfull add-on to create amazing urban scenes.
Blender插件-贴图预设管理插件 AssetLibraryTools v0.2.1