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可以在AE中一键生成三维立方体、长方体、圆柱体等基础三维元素,也可以赋予材质 Generate 3D objects using native After Effects layers. Create Cubes/Cuboids and Cylinders with a single click. Customize the materials to whatever you desire.

可以简单搭建一个场景,智能AI会自动渲染成很不错的效果 Render with Stable Diffusion in Blender. This add-on renders an AI generated image based on a text prompt and your scene.Create incredible AI generated images with Stable Diffusion easily, without running any code on your own computer!

Random Flow可以在选中的模型面上快速生成各种科幻凸起效果,快速添加细节 Random Flow is a random mesh generator designed for fast and easy hard surface prototyping and concept art. This is the beta version with a lot more functionalities expected in the future.

包含了八款PS插件,可提供近200种高质量的创意效果以及一系列创新的图像编辑工具,只需单击一下即可使用,同时为您提供无损编辑以实现全面控制。功能涵盖修图、调色、降噪、修复、胶片滤镜等方面。Nik Collection作为很多摄影师和摄影爱好者所熟悉的一大照片后期处理软件,Nik Collection优异的实用性在照片处理时展现出了强大的功能性。因此,也成为很多摄影师和摄影爱好者的必备软件。

这个程序化的蜘蛛网生成器可以帮助您快速地用美丽微妙的蜘蛛网填充您的场景。 使用起来非常简单。 This procedural cobweb generator helps you quickly fill your scene with beautiful subtle cobwebs. If you are doing any abandoned or fantasy interiors, this addon will save you a lot of time while improving the quality of your renders dramatically. Filling a scene with the customized cobwebs can take only minutes.

Nuke 14新增加了基于USD的三维粒子系统,包括路径遮罩、节点、灯光材质材质等 In Nuke 14.0 we’re introducing the first stage of a completely new 3D system built on USD as well as Cattery, our free library for third-party machine learning models, updates to UnrealReader and more.

    【插件简介】 AE软件虽然自带了很多输出格式选择...

  【插件简介】 Stardust是AE软件新一代节点式的三维粒子插件(也...

可以将文字、图形制作翻转旋转动画,类似于广告牌动画 Beautifully animate numbers, text and symbols. Count anything with Odometer.

  【预设介绍】 【预设语言】:英文 【预设格式】:.abr、.atn ...

【预设介绍】 【预设语言】:英文 【预设格式】:.abr 【文件大小】...



Tree Generator可以快速生成树木效果,包括调节树木分支、大小高度、茂密程度等多种参数,支持arnold, blender-internal, blender-game-engine, cycles, eevee, freestyle, luxrender, mental-ray, octane, vray, yafaray等多种渲染器 This setup will work by just copy and pasting it into your scene.Use the edit mode and copy the vertex to get more trees.Works in both EEVEE and Cycles (made to look good in both, have a look at the video linked)

包含30种分类超过120种爬山虎效果,可以控制常青藤的分布、树叶、花朵、效果器、动画等多种参数 The most complete ivy generator for Blender. Enjoy full control over your generation, multiple presets and our asset library.

可以利用任意的贴图来制作PBR分层贴图效果,不需要另外的插件,每个图层完全可控 Generate PBR textures from any image in Blender!Super Texture is a one-click addon for generating multiple PBR maps from a single image.

可以根据节点或者实例,制作模型的阵列和散布效果,方便制作比如冰、雪、破旧损坏等效果 We wanted to create a tool that can automate working with Geometry Nodes and Instances so that artists can simply click a button and have entire procedural setups built for them with maximum performance. With this tool, you can array, scatter, add a variety of fx such as ivy/snow/damage and procedurally assemble your scene.


这些电影旅行查找表 (LUT) 是由Bryn North随着时间的推移开发和改进的,因为他在世界各地旅行。每个环境特征都塑造了这组杰出色调的外观和感觉。无论是沙特阿拉伯沙丘的红色、苏门答腊丛林的绿色还是纳米比亚灌木丛的平原,总有一款外观可以增强您作品的风格化色彩。每个LUT在创建时都考虑了标准化的标准Rec.709色彩空间,并且可以进行调整以适应大多数摄像机类型和配置文件*。



这个马赛克插件可进一步细分网格,以保留或丢弃任意数量的图像细节。对于新颖的像素化效果或jpeg伪像模拟很有用。马赛克插件可将图像划分为网格,然后进一步细分正方形(或矩形),直到达到指定的详细程度。这使图像看起来像素化,但是可以保留重要的图像细节。 Not your grandfather’s mosaic filter. Recursive mosaic subdivides the grid further to preserve or discard as much image detail as you like. Useful for novel pixelization effects or jpeg artifacts simulation.


插件可以在AE中将一些可变字体进行控制(貌似只支持英文字体),After Effects本身不支持VF,但是通过VariFont插件,您现在可以在After Effects中使用此技术。 主要优点之一是可以动态设置动画轴(例如粗细,宽度和倾斜度)。但是,我们不仅要提供基本的轴动画,而且还设计了“动画器”功能以允许范围选择,形状控制和随机性,我们认为这使该插件非常灵活和强大。VariFont is a native plugin for the support of Variable Fonts in After Effects.

