达芬奇插件-视频渲染编解码器输出 MainConcept Codec Plugin for DaVinci Resolve v1.4 CE Win
借助这个编解码器插件,完整的制作链——从拍摄、采集、剪辑到播出——可以保持相同的广播格式。这加快了您的工作流程,并带来了 MainConcept 近三十年来为数字世界提供动力的经验所带来的可靠性。现在,创作者可以轻松地将DaVinci Resolve Studio中的项目时间线渲染成索尼、松下等公司的专业相机格式。包括MainConcept HEVC/H.265、AVC/H.264、DVCPRO和MPEG-2技术。
Blender插件-选中边缘高亮显示插件 Seams Around Selection V1.1
Quickly create seams along face selections, combine existing UV islands and speed up your work when unwrapping organic and hard-surface models.
Blender插件-快速切刀工具插件 Blender Market Half Knife v1.3.2
Half Knife是Blender的一款切割插件,可以更加快速和准确的进行切割
Half Knife is a product for PRO users who wants to improve their work speed. The tool is designed by PRO Blender user. And now he can work faster with this tool.
Blender插件-图层管理应用 Pseudo Object Layer V1.42
Pseudo Object Layer is an Blender Addon that helps you to do a “Quick and Dirty” object grouping with some utility function that helps on working with the object.You can Hide, Lock, Solo, Disable Modifier the object in the layer and many more.
Blender插件-爬山虎常春藤生成插件 Baga Ivy Generator V1.0.3
The most complete ivy generator for Blender. Enjoy full control over your generation, multiple presets and our asset library.
Blender插件-布尔切割创建3D模型 Grid Modeler v1.29.0
Grid Modeler是方便创建3D模型的便捷工具。Grid Modeler使您可以按照绘制的形状进行布尔切割或在彼此顶部创建网格。这是Blender中的新建模工作流程。它被证明是非常有效的。
Grid Modeler shows snapping grid lines on your selected face. You can use it on multiple faces (co-planar), or even selected edge (edge’s normal).You can draw shapes, then Boolean cut it, create a new face + extrude, or Boolean Slicing. It has rich functions and it can help you to create new mesh very fast.
AE/PR插件-红巨星视频特效合成套装AE插件 Red Giant VFX Suite v2023.3.1 Win
Blender插件-圆环形复制克隆插件 Radial Array Tool v1.2.4
Radial Array Tool可以按照环形复制克隆模型,并且对模型做程序化变形效果
Radial Array Tool is a procedural generator for creating copies in a circular pattern. With the Radial Array Tool you can easily create clones around an active object or the 3d cursor. Configure translation, rotation and scale in each axis. All values can be set either iteratively or as a total transformation.
C4D插件-逼真动态杂乱绳子线缆线条制作 Topowire v1.3+使用教程
Topowire是一个样条生成器插件,用于创建可以立即转换为动态样条的连线。您可以在单个网格中创建线或使用 topowire 将多个元素连接在一起。不再为在对象之间排列样条动力学和带对象而头疼!
Topowire is a spline generator plugin for creating wire connections that can be instantly turned into dynamic splines. You can create wires within a single mesh or use topowire to connect multiple elements together. No more headache of lining up spline dynamics and belt objects between your objects!
Blender插件-便捷菜单工具集合包 Machin3tools 1.2.0 DeusEx
AE/PR插件-直接导入编辑MKV/MOV/FLV格式素材视频解码器 Influx v1.3.0 Win/Mac
插件持多种格式和编解码器。不再需要通过外部转码软件,安装插件后即可直接把素材导入到AE和PR软件中,节省您的时间、磁盘空间和麻烦。在Premiere Pro中导入和编辑,直接在After Effects中处理您的素材。在Media Encoder中导出您的PR和AE项目,以及直接从AME转码您的文件。
红巨星粒子套装AE插件 Red Giant Trapcode Suite V2025.0.0 Particular/Form/Tao/Mir/3D Stroke Win 中文版/英文版
Trapcode将3D粒子系统的力量直接带入After Effects...
Blender插件-三维MG图形风格文字场景动画 Typo Text V1.0.0
在Blender中使用文本创建动态图形场景的一种非常简单的方法使用这个非常便宜的插件,它带有 28 多个预设,以及用于您独特自定义的简单控件,文本具有良好的阴影和纹理,因此您不必担心阴影。
A very easy way of creating Motion Graphics scene with Texts in Blender Using this great cheap Addon, it comes with 28+ presets, and easy controls for your unique customizations, texts come well shaded and textured so that you do not have to worry about shading again
Blender插件-宇宙飞船引擎喷射火焰特效 Jet Flame V1.0
Jet Flame Add-on is an easy tool for creating procedural engine flames fx, the addon has an easy setting parameter that will make you able to create engine flames easily and quickly for your spaceship or your scifi scene, or if you are trying to make a good animation that addon will help you for that.
Blender插件-添加内切面效果 Round Inset V2.01
Round Inset 是一个方便的工具,用于具有 100% 原始圆角的嵌入面。 Round Inset is a handy tool for Inset face with 100% original round corners.
AE/PR插件-中文汉化版老录像带信号故障毛刺干扰特效 Signal v1.2.3 Win/Mac
Ae/Pr/Nuke/达芬奇/Vegas/OFX视觉特效和转场BCC插件Continuum 2023 v16.0.1 CE Win
Blender插件-程序化材质预设库 Pro-C Materials
您现在可以直接在插件的界面上修改任何材质的设置,并使用我们的“自动分配”功能 在材质之间轻松切换。支持Cycles和Eevee渲染器。每种材质都是完全可定制的
Blender插件-三维场景智能管理工具 Smart Scene Manger V0.262
SSM是一个用于快速管理场景的Blender插件,与其他更强大或特定的附加组件相比,SSM 本身具有更集成的定位。它可以让用户以一种优雅的方式更加关注设计过程本身,而不是沉浸在各种快捷键操作的汇合中。
SSM Is a blender addon for manage scene fast,Compared with other more powerful or specific add-ons, SSM itself has a more integrated positioning. It can make users pay more attention to the design process itself in an elegant way, rather than immerse in the convergence of various shortcut key operations.
Boris FX Silhouette 2023.0.0 影视后期跟踪抠像合成软件 AE/PR/达芬奇/VEGAS/OFX插件 Win
Blender插件-更改创建材质纹理混合遮罩工具 Mask Tools 1.9
插件可在Blender中更改纹理化和创建复杂材质的过程。使用自定义节点添加过程效果,或将其直接绘制在模型上。您还可以一次绘制颜色,金属,粗糙度,法线和高度图,从而加快工作流程。 并且,告别凌乱的节点树。遮罩工具有助于使节点设置井井有条且易于理解。
Mask Tools is an addon that changes the process of texturing and creating complex materials in Blender.Add procedural effects with custom nodes, or paint them directly on your model. You’ll also speed up your workflow by painting color, metallic, roughness, normal, and height maps all at once.
Ae/Pr/Ps/OFX/Vegas/Nuke/达芬奇蓝宝石视觉特效插件Sapphire 2023.51 CE Win一键安装版