AE插件-模拟有机生物绒泡菌霉变增长动画 Physarum v1.3 Win/Mac
Blender插件-油墨手绘风格着色器预设 Blender Illustration Shader Advanced V3
你有没有想过把 3D 场景变成一幅画!这正是创建此着色器和工作流程的目的!此着色器将笔画分布在您的对象上,并分解场景和单个对象的边缘。每个笔划都是直接从对象的纹理或为其提供的颜色输入中挑选的纯色。
Blender插件-流体粒子物理模拟效果 Physics Gen V1.4.1
插件使物理模拟更快、更容易的答案。有了无限的模拟可能性,很难知道所有可能的情况。Physics Gen设置您必须每次更改的随机值,以便一键式进行独特而有趣的模拟!
Physics Gen is the answer to making physics simulations faster and easier. With infinite simulation possibilities, it can be difficult to know all that is possible. Physics Gen sets random values you must change each and every time to make unique and interesting simulations with one button press!
Blender插件-轻松切割Ngon面建模工具 Face Cutter V1.7.0
Face Cutter是一款方便的建模工具,专为轻松切割Ngon面而设计。它允许您通过轻松定义的捕捉点在选定的面上切割垂直线(或旋转)。它是用于一般建模任务的非常方便的工具。与原始Blender的K刀工具相比,它提供了更好的功能。此外,它类似于Blender中的 Ctrl R,但该工具也适用于ngons。
Face Cutter is a handy modeling tool designed for cutting ngon face easily.It allows you to cut perpendicular lines (or rotated) on selected face, by easily defined snapping points.
能够切割整个网格(使用 Blender 的 Knife 投影 API)
Blender插件-路径绘制模型放置工具 Foliage Paint Tool V1.00
这是一个简单的复制虚幻引擎树叶工具的工具,用于在对象上绘制对象, 这个插件使用搅拌机的权重绘制来复制虚幻中的工具, 您可以将任何对象散布在任何对象的任何位置,只需在您希望该对象所在的位置绘制部分即可。这个插件非常适合环境、科幻场景,甚至是简单的建模。
This is a simple tool to replicate the unreal engine foliage tool for painting objects on an object, this addon uses blender’s weight paint to replicate the Tool in unreal, you can scatter any object on any object, anywhere, by just drawing the parts where you want that object to be. this addon is good with environments, scifi scenes, and even simple modeling.
Blender预设-城市楼房环境模型预设包 Urbaniac – City Asset Pack V2.4.2 Pro
Is more than an asset pack. It´s a powerfull add-on to create amazing urban scenes.
AE插件脚本-快速创建酷炫的HUD仪表盘刻度标尺图形动画 easyRulers 2 v2.02
easyRulers 2是一款Adobe After Effects混合工具(脚本 + 插件),旨在快速轻松地创建任何类型的图形测量标尺。它非常适合创建仪表、示波器、速度计、图形均衡器、HUD、UI 元素、历史时间线、仪表布局、信息图表、音频界面、数字车辆仪表板的艺术家。
Blender插件-集群粒子库预设 The Particle Library V1.2.2+使用教程
为 Blender 制作的大量、不断增长的预制、完全可定制的粒子动画集合。超过55 种动画可供选择,涵盖 9 个类别! 粒子库还包括 10 个高质量的预动画 3D 模型,用于动画。使用自定义插件界面一键轻松导入。所有动画和模型都可以定制无限变化!
Nuke插件-视频无损放大变清晰 Pixelmania NNSuperResolution V3.3.0
Blender插件-科幻太空星球三维场景生成器 Kit Ops – Space Kpack + 视频教程
受到 Chip Walters 的 Simple Sci-Fi 的启发,这是为了帮助那些想要在背景中渲染具有植物、月亮、小行星和环的场景的人,插件可快速生成各种行星、卫星、小行星和星环等,模拟科幻未来场景。只需添加这些插入并启动您的史诗场景的渲染。这些行星是程序生成的,其中一些具有城市排放,而另一些则具有熔岩流排放。小行星是基于几何节点的,可以通过参数进行调整以生成或多或少的密度场。
Inspired by Simple Sci-Fi from Chip Walters, this is to help those wanting to render scenes with Plants, Moons, Asteroids and Rings in the backdrop. Just add these inserts and fire off the render of your epic scene.
AE/PR插件-人工智能背景遮罩抠像颜色键控Goodbye Greenscreen 1.9.4 GPU Win
AE插件-三维体积星云烟雾特效生成 Nebulosity v1.0 Win
Nebulosity是一个GPU加速的After Effects插件。它借助噪波、层和渐变生成体积,可以使用不同的技术进行着色。创造星云、星系、云、烟雾等。
Nebulosity is a GPU-accelerated After Effects plugin. It generates volumes with help of Noise, Layers and Ramps that can be colorized with different techniques. Creates nebulas, galaxies, clouds, smoke and more.
Blender插件-航拍城市三维场景生成器 Citigen V1.6.2
Citigen是Blender的附加组件。无需 HDRI,无需为简单的无人机拍摄(如 POI 或 Course Lock)装配动画摄像机!只需单击几下,您就可以创建无限多种城市环境,配备街道、交通信号灯、树木等 – 与您的 RAM、CPU 和 GPU 允许的一样大。Citigen 附带的默认城市道具 在 10 到 15 英尺的范围内看起来就像是真实的东西,对于类似无人机拍摄的场景来说已经足够了,但是您可以将自己的详细建筑模型添加到 Citigen 库中以进行特写镜头!
Citigen is a Blender add-on. No need for HDRIs, no need for rigging animation cameras for simple drone shots like POI or Course Lock!With a few clicks, you can create a limitless variety of city environments equipped with streets, traffic lights, trees, and etc–as huge as your RAMs, CPUs, and GPUs allow. The default city props that ship with Citigen will look like a real thing from 10 to 15 feet a way, good enough for drone-shot-like scenarios, but you can add your own detailed building models to the Citigen library for close-up shots!
Blender预设-海面水材质着色器预设 Ultimate Water Shader v2.5.0
Introducing the Ultimate Water 3D shader, the best water shader created for Blender. The Successor of the Ultimate Water Shader. With more than 5 new realistic features and several improvements!The full price variant contains the Ultimate Water 3D (UW53 D) + the Ultimate Water 5hader (UW5), the older (NOT obsolete version).
AE插件-文字延迟动画快速制作 TextDelay 1.7.5 Win/Mac
TextDelay是一款After Effects插件,它可以根据字符、单词或行制作文字动画。这个插件与默认的文本动画器不同,它继承了动画的缓动效果,所以您可以使用曲线或缓动表达式进行创作。
A native plugin that delays your text animation by character, word or line. Unlike the default text animator, it inherits your animation’s easing so you can be creative with curves or easing expressions.
Blender插件-三维汽车模型预设 Car Teleporter V1.0.8.2
使用Car Teleporter ,您可以轻松地在项目中导入和使用汽车。拥有超过90多辆汽车(将增加更多),您可以在您的建筑项目、物理动画 场景、修改、 NFT 、 hdri 、游戏引擎中使用它。
With Car Teleporter, you can easily import and use a car in your project. With more than 90+ cars (more will be added) there will be no need to buy or model cars. You can use it in your architectural projects, physical animation scenes, modified, NFT, hdri, game engine.
AE插件-路径遮罩笔刷动画 BAO Mask Brush v1.9.17 Win/Mac
AE插件-AI人工智能遮罩蒙版生成器 Mask Prompter v1.1.2 GPU + CPU Win
Blender插件-酷炫能量冲击波光线特效元素 Energy FX
这个插件带有很酷的效果,您可以将它们添加到需要它们的项目中,例如Saber、Shockwave Burst、Glowing Lines等等。而且很容易使用,只需选择预设并添加、更改设置并在您喜欢的任何地方使用它。
This Addons comes with Cool Effects that you can add into your project that require them, like Saber, Shockwave Burst, Glowing Lines, Aura(coming soon) and more.
Blender插件-卡通光效路径拖尾插件 Mesh Trails V1.3.3 + 预设包
Blender插件-8Bit像素化插件 Pixel V1.0.0 – A Cheat Code For Pixel Art
可以将任何模型直接转换成复古8 Bit像素化风格,方便制作游戏、GIF、贴纸等方面渲染
Alt Tab’s Pixel is an add-on that allows you to turn any object into pixel art with ease. You can also create animated game sprites with it, as well as do things like creating GIFs, stickers, and entire environments.
Blender插件-模型自动适应精细度 Auto LOD
Blender Auto LOD是一种快速简单的工具,可为场景中的所有对象制作自动 LOD(细节级别)。使用Blender Auto LOD ,您可以节省渲染时间,并在文件中使用更少的内存!插件会为场景中的所有对象添加抽取修饰符,抽取值将根据与主对象的距离自动计算,您可以选择,您还可以设置最小抽取值,范围从主要对象,您可以一键删除所有抽取修饰符!
Blender Auto LOD is a fast and simple tool that make auto LOD (level of details) for all of your objects in the scene.With Blender Auto LOD you can save your render time, and use less memory in your file!
Blender插件-三维场景模型灯光 Lighter v1.0.7
Lighter is the easiest and fastest way to have a decent lighting setup for your models. I made this addon for people like me who are not really good at lighting. One way to solve this problem is the brute force way. Trying thousands of setups in a matter of seconds. And that’s exactly what this addon is about.
Blender插件-预设库管理工具 Modular Workspaces+使用教程