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  【插件简介】 Continuum插件是满足您内容创建需求的一站式工具集...

在C4D软件里使用 Trypo Lite插件,可在模型上快速生成多边形曲面细分圆孔镂空效果。Trypogen plugin for Cinema 4D? Maybe you haven’t, but you have likely seen some images that use it. The plugin lets users play with edges and faces of an object parametrically, creating some fantastic shapes in the process.

此插件将在雕刻模式下遮盖隐藏您选择的顶点。This Addon Will mask your Selected Vertices in Sculpt Mode


Scifi HUD是一个很棒的插件,用于创建scifi HUD Inerfaces这个插件带有让你动画和自定义你的scifi HUD组合的功能,带有160多种元素,您可以在组合或场景中使用,它还带有 Premade HUD,您可以使用它用在您不擅长设计。 Scifi HUD is an awesome plugin for creation of scifi HUD Inerfaces this addon comes with functions that make you animate and customize your scifi HUD combination

K-CyclesX 是高度优化的 Cycles-X 渲染引擎、超降噪器和 Blender 实时视口效果的自定义构建。它与 Cycles 完全兼容,专为 Nvidia GPU 设计。 K-CyclesX is a highly optimized custom build of Cycles-X render engine, ultra denoiser and realtime viewport effects for Blender. It is fully compatible with Cycles and designed for Nvidia GPUs.



  【插件简介】 共集合九大类97个GPU加速插件(每个插件有多种预设)...

GeoCables是一个Blender插件,它允许您通过使用几何节点生成程序悬挂电缆。该插件的核心是几何节点,但该插件通过简单地单击曲面或将对象转换为电缆,提供在对象模式下绘制等功能,使其更加方便。 GeoCables is a Blender Addon that allows you to generate procedural hanging cables by using Geometry Nodes.The core of the addon is Geometry Nodes but the addon makes it much more convenient by offering functions like Drawing in the Object mode by simply clicking on surfaces or converting objects to cables.


Nebulosity是一个基于GPU加速的After Effects插件。它借助噪波、层和渐变生成体积,可以使用不同的技术进行着色。创造星云、星系、云、烟雾等。 Nebulosity is a GPU-accelerated After Effects plugin. It generates volumes with help of Noise, Layers and Ramps that can be colorized with different techniques. Creates nebulas, galaxies, clouds, smoke and more.

旨在加快您的形状键装配工作流程。它允许您复制和/或镜像您的形状键,同时维护和重新定位其驱动程序。 Shape Key Manager PRO is designed to speed up your shape key rigging workflow. It allows you to duplicate and/or mirror your shape keys while maintaining and retarget their drivers.Have you ever finished rigging setting up the drivers for one side of your character only to have to repeat the same tedious workflow for the other side. With this addon you can accomplish the task in less than a minute.

用于自动优化高分辨率模型的几何形状,以创建干净的基于四边形的网格。这些工具可用于消除工件和其他用于动画和装配的网格问题,也可用于应用纹理和操纵对象。干净的3D拓扑是获得专业成果的关键。当模型的顶点,边缘和面井井有条时,动画将显得更加流畅,渲染所需的内存也更少。优化欠佳的网格还可能会产生视觉伪像,以及在应用修改器时出现问题。使用3ds Max的Retopology Tools,您可以快速纠正由于不够理想的网格而引入的许多常见问题。

Line对象是Cinema 4D的一个简单而有用的插件,带有开放的python代码,主要用于线条模型生成。Line Object is s simple and useful plugin for Cinema 4D with open python code.

它在重定时的项目之后移动项目,因此您的动画保持紧凑并且您的标记保持有用。 您可以在播放动画时进行编辑,因为它与播放头位置无关。 它是在帧中定义的,而不是按比例定义的,因此您可以按照自己的想法工作。 它具有根据您的喜好自定义行为的选项,例如自动调整总动画长度。

  【插件简介】 大多数玻璃在 Eevee 中渲染效果不佳的原因是它无法...

可以直接创建可调节人体模型,人物是已经绑定好的,包含多个滑块可以控制角色的各个部分,例如胸部、臀部、手臂、腿等。还可以手动操作绑定以创建更多不同的角色。 The Adjustable Mannequin allows you to create any character you can think of. The mannequin is rigged and the rig contains multiple sliders that allows you to control various parts of the character, such as the breasts, hips, arms, legs etc. You can also manipulate the rig manually to create some more varied characters.

Volna 是高级笔画插件,它使用蒙版来绘制笔画。插件可以使用一两个蒙版并将它们混合成具有多个笔触的新形状。每个笔画都可以用渐变填充,用柏林噪声或正弦函数扭曲。笔划粗细可以通过坡度控制进行调整。笔画可以是线或点。笔画末端可以有一个参数化的箭头。许多随机控件有助于为您的设计添加独特的外观。

这套预设包含30种赛博朋克科幻风格三维灯光模型预设,支持KIT OPS插件。 KPACK works with Kit ops. KIT OPS is the premiere kitbashing asset management tool for Blender with over 50,000 downloads. It works in both – FREE and PRO versions. Real geometry It is super easy to use and can be used in different workflows. Inserts are made with no bevel applied, so you can modify them even further if you wish. You can make anything that you want, whether it be mech, gun, crate, cylinder, or even a whole environment, such as a galaxy station or base on Mars. The pack is made in Blender 2.9, which means it works in both versions – 2.9 and 3.0+.



20种不同类型的铺砌路径的集合,只需在修改器选项卡中调整参数即可对其进行自定义。模型有多达2k的纹理,是实际大小,可以使用 Cycles 或 EEVEE 进行渲染。 Paved Path Generator is a collection of 20 different types of paved paths for Blender that can be customized simply tweaking parameters inside the modifiers tab.


