Blender插件-三维坐标轴旋转模型对齐 Orient And Origin To Selected V1.2.2
Blender插件-阵列散布插件 Quick Assembly 2022
We wanted to create a tool that can automate working with Geometry Nodes and Instances so that artists can simply click a button and have entire procedural setups built for them with maximum performance. With this tool, you can array, scatter, add a variety of fx such as ivy/snow/damage and procedurally assemble your scene.
Blender插件-常春藤爬山虎生成工具 Baga Ivy Generator V1.0.4
Blender插件-视频物体跟踪合成 Keentools GeoTracker 2023.2.0
Blender插件-抽象概念模型建模调整工具 Simply Concept V2.1
使用Simply Concept您可以快速轻松地构思您的想法。有原始对象可供选择以及您自己创建的模型,您可以直接集成到概念中并调整细节级别(性能)的分辨率。简单概念的酷炫之处在于复杂的形状实时合并,您已经可以看到交叉部分的阴影。这使得设计更容易。只要您还没有确认您的概念,您就可以随时更改任何原语。因此,您可以随时进行更改。
With Simply Concept, you can quickly and easily concept your idea. There are primitive objects to choose from as well as your own created model you can directly integrate into the conception and adjust the resolution of the level of detail (performance).
C4D插件-几何物体对称复制生成器 Symex 1.3
Symex是一个对象生成器插件,可以在Cinema 4D中对称地复制对象的几何形状。它像分形一样工作,不断重复自身,同时在网格顶部添加了一些随机性以保持有趣。您几乎可以一无所有地快速创建非常详细的结构。将此功能与Merk的其他一些插件(如Topowire)结合使用,可获得更疯狂的效果!
Blender插件-多文件合并打开插件 Multi Instance Blender v1.1.0
AE插件-三维对象运动跟踪工具 GeoTracker 2023.2.0.641 Win+使用教程
GeoTracker是一款3D对象跟踪After Effects插件,由KeenTools公司发布,它带来了轻松、几乎实时的3D物体跟踪,并且像内置工具一样工作。它允许您重建素材中对象的3D运动,而无需像匹配移动任务那样遇到通常的麻烦。使用内置After Effects工具、第三方插件和其他3D软件,就可以替换、增强、用作粒子发射器等跟踪对象来达到运动图形和设计的新水平。正式版插件已激活,无功能限制。
Blender插件- PBR分层材质贴图制作插件 Super Texture V1.8
Generate PBR textures from any image in Blender!Super Texture is a one-click addon for generating multiple PBR maps from a single image.
Blender插件-中文汉化版 UV网格编辑器工具 UV Squares 1.14.1
Blender插件-三维街景模型导入高级版 OSM Premium V2.5.1
一键导入带有纹理建筑、森林、卫星图像、Blender 地形的OpenStreetMap。One click import of OpenStreetMap with textured buildings, forests, satellite imagery, terrain for Blender
Blender插件-便捷菜单工具集合包 Machin3tools 1.5.0 DeusEx M3
Blender插件-蓝图线框设计图渲染 Blueprint Maker V1.0.0
插件它将帮助您轻松地一键创建蓝图,如果您正在制作3D渲染图或蓝图概念艺术或3D动画,该插件将为您提供更多灵活性…Blueprint Maker is a blender addon that will help you to create blueprints easily with one click, this addon will give you more flexsiblty if you are making 3D renderings or blueprints concept art, or 3D Animation…
Blender插件-光标移动旋转吸附 Sad Cursor V2.0
With the “Sad cursor” tool you can change the position and orientation of the 3D cursor in one click. Working with it has become much faster and more convenient, no need to press a bunch of keys to do one action. Changing it’s orientation and making precise movements has always been tricky to do. Also, you can assign your favorite hotkey for each action to prevent interfering with other addons.
Blender预设-花草树木植物绿化模型 Botaniq Tree And Grass Library V6.7.0
Tree library Botaniq is an ever-expanding library of optimized & realistic 3D vegetation – mostly trees and grass. It features a variety of Trees, Grass, Flowers, Weed, Palms, Succulents, Shrubs, Weeds, Plants and Pots for Architectural Visualization, Environmental Design, Rendering Forests, Landscaping, or any other scenes that could use a bit of varied greenery.
AE插件-三维对象运动跟踪工具 GeoTracker 2023.1.0 Win正式版+使用教程
Blender插件-快速增强优化绑定操作 RBF Drivers v1.2.7
RBF Drivers是一种快速、简单的方法,可以显着增强 Blender 中的绑定。如果您尝试解决约束、繁琐的权重绘制或复杂且耗时的驱动程序设置的问题,RBF 驱动程序通常可以在几分钟内提供解决方案,否则可能需要数小时、数天或根本不可能。提供了一些非常独特的超约束和其他驱动程序类型。与其定义你希望装备如何做某事,不如定义你想让它做什么。只需移动角色的骨骼,调整控制器、形状键或其他属性,直到事情完全符合您的要求,然后记录“快照”。RBF 驱动程序将为您填补所有空白,并在您摆姿势或制作动画时平滑地插入所有内容。
RBF drivers are a fast, simple way to significantly enhance rigging in Blender. If you’re trying to solve issues with constraints, fiddly weight-painting, or complex and time-consuming driver setups, RBF drivers can often provide a solution in minutes that would otherwise either take hours, days, or not be possible at all.
Blender插件-PBR材质贴图烘焙 SimpleBake 6.4.2 – Simple Pbr And Other Baking In Blender
Blender可以利用节点来制作复杂的PBR材质,SimpleBake插件可以更加简单的对材质进行烘焙和输出,桥接到Substance Painter, Second Life, Sketchfab, Unity等软件
Blender 2.8 provides a very powerful way to create complex PBR materials by using nodes. However, what should be a simple process of baking and exporting these materials for use with other software or systems (Substance Painter, Second Life, Sketchfab, Unity etc.) is surprisingly difficult.
Blender插件-智能添加模型网格精度 Qol Gridcut V1.0.3
Ae/Pr/Ps/OFX/Vegas/Nuke/达芬奇蓝宝石视觉特效插件Sapphire 2024.51 CE Win一键安装版
蓝宝石插件Sapphire 2024可让您创建任何主机本机效...
Blender插件-树木植物生成插件 Tree Generator V2
Tree Generator可以快速生成树木效果,包括调节树木分支、大小高度、茂密程度等多种参数,支持arnold, blender-internal, blender-game-engine, cycles, eevee, freestyle, luxrender, mental-ray, octane, vray, yafaray等多种渲染器
This setup will work by just copy and pasting it into your scene.Use the edit mode and copy the vertex to get more trees.Works in both EEVEE and Cycles (made to look good in both, have a look at the video linked)
AE/PR插件-中文汉化版随机生成像素块视觉特效 Block Swap v1.5 Win/Mac
Randomly shuffles image blocks. Great for clean-looking noise effects, blocky glitches and transitions.
Blender插件-镜头光效耀斑 Flared V1.9.4 – Lens Flares In Blender
FLARED是一款实时镜头光效耀斑Blender插件 ,可在Cycles和Eeve中直接在Blender的VIEWPORT中工作。
FLARED is a REAL-TIME LENS FLARE GENERATOR that works directly in the VIEWPORT of Blender both in Cycles and Eevee. Really easy to use.