Blender插件-三维城市道路系统生成器 City Road Builder V2.1
AE插件-色环色轮视频调色 Warping Wheels v3.0.0
At first sight, one may not immediately recognize the difference between the traditional color wheels and the Picture Instruments Warping Wheels. However, at second glance it becomes clear that the Warping Wheels are far superior to the traditional color wheels.
AE插件-用数据生成曲线走势图表动画 Dynamic Line Chart v1.07 Win/Mac
动态折线图(DLC)是一个After Effects插件,可立即从数据创建折线图。图表的所有参数和数据本身都可以设置动画。许多参数可以对网格和轴的外观和尺寸进行动画控制,从而可以放大和缩小数据。甚至是动画数据-都可以通过CSV文件(UTF-8编码)导入,也可以从图表图像中重新采样。
Blender插件-模型约束控制 Blocker v0.1.7
Blocker is a simple-to-use addon for quick blocking out a shape and stylizing. There are loads of tools out there, but I was looking for a way to design a form quickly. It’s like placing blocks (cubes) first, joining them, and modifying them.
Blender插件-喷气式飞机模型生成工具 Aviation Jet Strike Addon V1.0
Aviation Jet Strike 是空中创作的完美插件,它包括高度详细的军用和商用喷气机模型。大量详细的纹理皮肤、推力系统、云系统、天空 hdri 背景和一个简单的点击动画选项,将程序随机动画添加到选定的平面
Aviation Jet Strike is the perfect addon for aerial creation, It includes highly detailed models of Military and Commercial Jets. Numerous detailed texture skin, thrust system, cloud system, sky hdri backgrounds and a simple click to animate option which adds procedural random animation to the selected plane
Blender插件-水花液体流体模拟 FLIP Fluids v1.6.4
FLIP Fluids 流体插件可以帮助您设置,运行,并呈现液体模拟效果。我们定制的流体引擎基于流行的FLIP仿真技术,该技术也可以在其他专业工具(例如Houdini,Phoenix FD,Bifrost和Mantaflow)中找到。FLIP Fluids引擎已经持续开发了四年多,主要致力于将模拟器作为附件紧密集成到Blender中。感觉就像是本机的Blender工具!
Blender插件-模型重拓扑 SpeedRetopo v0.1.8
SpeeRetopo Addon帮助您在Blender上轻松快速地进行Retopology!这个插件是为初学者设计的,使用起来非常简单。它为您提供了所有必要的工具来进行润饰。Speedretopo由一位自由艺术家为所有艺术家制作。
SpeeRetopo Addon’s helps you to make easy and Fast Retopology on Blender!The addon was made for beginners and is really simple to use. It gives you all the necessary tools to work on your retopology. Speedretopo was made by a freelance artist for all blender artists.
Bender插件-桥接ChatGPT AI插件 Blender Copilot
Blender插件-轻松操纵枢轴中心轴控制 Originie V1.3.2
Originie 是一个附加组件,用于轻松操纵枢轴(Blender 术语中的原点)位置。它带有一堆工具,可以让您随心所欲地移动枢轴。 Originie is an add-on for manipulating the pivot’s (the origin in Blender lingo) position with ease. It comes with bunch of tools that would let you move the pivot around as you “wish”.
Blender插件-节点缩略图可视化预览 Node Preview V1.15
Blender插件-三维下水管道模型生成器 GeoPipes v1.0.1 – Geometry Nodes Pipes
GeoPipes is a Blender Addon that allows you to generate procedural Pipes by using Geometry Nodes.The core of the addon is Geometry Nodes but the addon makes it much more convenient by offering the ability to create pipes in the Object mode by simply clicking on surfaces.
Blender插件-强大流畅无压力轻松建模工具 Fluent Power Trip v2.1.2
Blender插件-程序化材质预设库 Sanctus Library v2.5.0 – Procedural Materials
使用插件可创建和修改自己的具有损伤、纹理和图案的材质。The Ever-Growing Procedural Materials Library for Blender!Create and modify your own materials with damages, textures, patterns with the new Shader Tools panel on the Shader Editor N menu.The first version has 23 tools and it will grow every month along with the library of materials.
Blender插件-HDR天空场景环境 Procedural HDR Lighting V2.1.2
插件可以轻松照亮没有灯光的场景。只需很少的天空和房间设置参数即可获得即时结果。程序环境是 HDR,这意味着它可以像 hdr 图像一样发光。不同之处在于您可以选择和创造轻松的氛围,按照您想要的方式着色,而不是搜索超大的 hdr 图像。程序也意味着无限分辨率……
Ae/Pr/Ps/OFX/Vegas/Nuke/达芬奇蓝宝石视觉特效插件Sapphire 2024.51 CE Win一键安装版
蓝宝石插件Sapphire 2024可让您创建任何主机本机效...
3DS MAX插件-三维模型位置随机互换 Scatter Tools V1.02
Scatter Tools是一个功能强大的 3dsMax 插件,可以以非常简单和直观的方式重新排列、随机化和重新分布场景中的对象。交换它们,应用随机变换并快速将它们分散到任何你需要的地方。
Blender插件-横截面选择快速创建角几何体 Angle Tool 1.33
Blender预设-海面水材质着色器预设 Ultimate Water Shader v2.6.0
Blender插件-人体模型生成插件 Human Generator V4.0.16+预设库
Blender插件-网格建模附加程序 MESHmachine V0.12.0
MESHmachine是一款网格建模附加程序插件,专注于在没有细分曲面的情况下进行的硬曲面工作。融合和取消融合表面,创建可变圆角和冲洗,编辑和修复斜角几何,取消斜角和倒角,清理布尔交集并创建周长环,将较早的网格状态保留为Stashes并将其用于法线传递,展平和拉直法线,对称化并镜像自定义法线,并使用Plugs -incl。完美地细节化表面,可自定义定制。MESHmachine解锁了新的网格建模工作流程, 并包含30种工具 和 28种插件资源。
AE插件-物体表面跟踪合成 Aescripts Lockdown v3.0.1+使用教程