Blender插件-物理动力学破碎工具 RBDLab V1.1.2 + 预设
C4D插件-各种样条线生成转场填充动画效果 RocketLasso Ricochet v1.0
AE插件-中文汉化版时间百分比数字滚动动画 Digit Fiddler v1.3.6 Win
C4D插件-GSG灰猩猩超强破碎变形动画 GreyscaleGorilla Transform v1.231S + SuperText
由 Greyscalegorilla 出品的 Transform 是一款非...
AE插件-中文汉化版方框底栏文字动画特效 TextBox 2 v1.2.4 Win
TextBox 可以快速在文本后面创建一个尺寸完美,可自定义的形状的方框底栏,无需繁琐设置和表达式;可用于制作MG文本切换过渡,字幕条和标题的创建。
TextBox is a native plugin that creates a perfectly sized, customisable shape behind your text that updates automatically and is applied directly to the text layer so no need for parenting, mattes or expressions.
AE/PR插件-中文汉化AI智能视频变速插帧慢动作 SpeedX v1.1.2 Win
AE插件-中文汉化版图像映射彩色渐变混合特效 bfx Map Ramp v1.0.4.0 Win
插件通过使用灰度源图像映射渐变来创建多种颜色之间的渐变混合。通过使用灰度源作为映射渐变的基础,在多种颜色之间创建渐变混合。5个通道中的任何一个都可用于映射 – 红色、绿色、蓝色、Alpha 或亮度。
借助附加选项,效果可用于色彩校正、创意甚至哑光工具。通过使用附加设置,您最多可以使用 6 种不同的插值模式。
AE脚本-MG图形动画关键帧复制粘贴控制 Motioneer V1.1.3
AE插件-中文汉化版物体表面跟踪特效合成高级工具 Lockdown v2.7.1 Win
AE插件-漂亮发光辉光中文汉化版 Aescripts Deep Glow V1.4.6 Win/Mac
漂亮真实高级辉光发光插件Deep Glow比AE自带的Glow辉光插件效果更加是真实,过度更加的自然漂亮;即使在非线性色彩空间中工作,Deep Glow也能为您提供实时即用的最佳效果。 它具有直观的合成控制,有助于改善您的发光效果。 Deep Glow还采用GPU加速速度,并具有方便的高采样和质量控制功能,也可用于实现独特的结果(添加颗粒状或风格化的发光)。
Generates a beautiful, physically accurate glow. You’ll never want to touch After Effect’s default glow again.
AE插件-中文汉化版场景扫描DOF深度图自动生成工具Depth Scanner 1.2.1 CPU/GPU Win
Depth Scanner lets you create depth maps from images and videos. The resulting depth map can be used for a variety of post processing tasks, like adding fog, converting footage to stereo-3d and many more image
AE/PR插件-中文汉化版人工AI智能视频无损放大插件 ScaleUP v1.3.0 Win
Blender插件-现代室内灯具灯光效果工具 Glare V1.1 – Modern Light Asset + Ies Light
快速轻松地启用或禁用 Blender 插件,并自动备份或...
Blender插件-快速轻松地启用或禁用管理插件工具 PowerManage 0.25
快速轻松地启用或禁用 Blender 插件,并自动备份或恢复它们的偏好。Quickly and easily enable or disable Blender addons, and automatically backup or restore their preferences.
Blender插件-群体粒子动画模拟特效 Spyderfy V2.5 – Boid Systems Add-On
Spyderfy插件是一个强大的工具,允许电影制作人和 3D 艺术家通过点击几下将可定制的 bug boid 系统添加到场景中!凭借其资产和直观的用户界面菜单,它提供了添加各种生物和鸟体粒子系统的能力,并附有动画 3d 资产!Blender 3d 的 Spyderfy 插件是一个很棒的工具,可以添加独特的错误效果,甚至只是为您的渲染添加一些生命!您现在可以在几分钟内为您的真人电影和 3D艺术创建系统!
The “Spyderfy” add-on is a powerful tool that allows filmmakers and 3d Artists to add customizable bug boid systems to the scene with several clicks! With its assets and intuitive user interface menu, it provides the ability to add various creature and bird boid particle systems with animated 3d assets attached! The Spyderfy add-on for Blender 3d is a great tool for adding unique bug effects or even just to add some life to your renders! You can now create bug systems for your live-action films and 3d art within minutes!
PS/LR插件-视觉特效修图插件 Boris FX Optics 2022
Boris FX新出的Optics是一款专注于修图的插件,支持Photoshop和Lightroom,包含大量个视觉特效、调色修图、光效、电影效果等预设
Optics (formerly called Digital Film Tools) is the definitive digital toolbox for photos. Created by professional feature film VFX artists, Optics is designed to simulate optical camera filters, specialized lenses, film stocks and grain, lens flares, optical lab processes, color correction as well as natural light and photographic effects. Take your images to the next level, try Optics.