C4D插件-线条模型生成工具 Line Object V1.5 Win/Mac
Line对象是Cinema 4D的一个简单而有用的插件,带有开放的python代码,主要用于线条模型生成。Line Object is s simple and useful plugin for Cinema 4D with open python code.
C4D插件-逼真动态杂乱绳子线缆线条制作 Topowire v1.3+使用教程
Topowire是一个样条生成器插件,用于创建可以立即转换为动态样条的连线。您可以在单个网格中创建线或使用 topowire 将多个元素连接在一起。不再为在对象之间排列样条动力学和带对象而头疼!
Topowire is a spline generator plugin for creating wire connections that can be instantly turned into dynamic splines. You can create wires within a single mesh or use topowire to connect multiple elements together. No more headache of lining up spline dynamics and belt objects between your objects!
C4D插件-几何物体对称复制生成器 Symex 1.3
Symex是一个对象生成器插件,可以在Cinema 4D中对称地复制对象的几何形状。它像分形一样工作,不断重复自身,同时在网格顶部添加了一些随机性以保持有趣。您几乎可以一无所有地快速创建非常详细的结构。将此功能与Merk的其他一些插件(如Topowire)结合使用,可获得更疯狂的效果!
C4D插件-地面吸附对齐工具 Snap To Floor V1.5 Win/Mac
插件Snap To Floor可以实时预览,您可以在场景中旋转对象,模型将始终保持在Y轴上的最低点。 这使动画制作任何滚动对象的动画变得轻而易举!
Snap To Floor is similar to the drop to floor plugin here on the site except that it’s live! You can rotate your object in the scene and your model will always keep its lowest point on the Y axis. This makes animating things like animating any rolling objects a breeze!
C4D插件-多边形曲面细分圆孔镂空生成 Trypo Lite V1.1
在C4D软件里使用 Trypo Lite插件,可在模型上快速生成多边形曲面细分圆孔镂空效果。Trypogen plugin for Cinema 4D? Maybe you haven’t, but you have likely seen some images that use it. The plugin lets users play with edges and faces of an object parametrically, creating some fantastic shapes in the process.