Blender插件-群体粒子动画模拟特效 Spyderfy V2.5 – Boid Systems Add-On
Spyderfy插件是一个强大的工具,允许电影制作人和 3D 艺术家通过点击几下将可定制的 bug boid 系统添加到场景中!凭借其资产和直观的用户界面菜单,它提供了添加各种生物和鸟体粒子系统的能力,并附有动画 3d 资产!Blender 3d 的 Spyderfy 插件是一个很棒的工具,可以添加独特的错误效果,甚至只是为您的渲染添加一些生命!您现在可以在几分钟内为您的真人电影和 3D艺术创建系统!
The “Spyderfy” add-on is a powerful tool that allows filmmakers and 3d Artists to add customizable bug boid systems to the scene with several clicks! With its assets and intuitive user interface menu, it provides the ability to add various creature and bird boid particle systems with animated 3d assets attached! The Spyderfy add-on for Blender 3d is a great tool for adding unique bug effects or even just to add some life to your renders! You can now create bug systems for your live-action films and 3d art within minutes!
PS/LR插件-视觉特效修图插件 Boris FX Optics 2022
Boris FX新出的Optics是一款专注于修图的插件,支持Photoshop和Lightroom,包含大量个视觉特效、调色修图、光效、电影效果等预设
Optics (formerly called Digital Film Tools) is the definitive digital toolbox for photos. Created by professional feature film VFX artists, Optics is designed to simulate optical camera filters, specialized lenses, film stocks and grain, lens flares, optical lab processes, color correction as well as natural light and photographic effects. Take your images to the next level, try Optics.
NUKE/达芬奇/VEGAS/OFX蓝宝石视觉特效插件 Sapphire 2022.02 Win
Photoshop插件-蓝宝石视觉特效合成PS插件 Sapphire 2022.02 Win
AE/PR插件-视觉特效和转场BCC插件包 Continuum 2022 v15.0.3 Win
Maya插件-阿诺德渲染器插件 MtoA SolidAngle Maya To Arnold v5.0.0.3
Arnold 是一款高级的、跨平台的渲染 API。与传统用于 CG 动画的 scanline(扫描线)渲染器(Renderman)不同,Arnold 是照片真实、基于物理的光线追踪渲染器。可以单独渲染出真实光照,阴影,凹凸等特性
PS插件-笔刷制作管理插件 Brusherator 1.8
Brusherator for Photoshop CC and above! Brushes! On the Panel! Create tiny text buttons, larger auto-generated and custom thumbnail buttons. Keep your Brushes, Tool presets and Actions on a panel. And much more!
摄像机反求跟踪软件 Mocha Pro 2022 v9.0.2 AE/PR/Adobe/OFX桥接插件 Win
Mocha Pro 2022升级了跟踪引擎,可以更好的做跟踪、跟踪面调节等,包含独立软件版+Adobe+OFX插件版本Mocha Pro 2022 features powerful new planar tracking & rotoscoping tools to help you easily knock out advanced VFX tasks inside Adobe, Avid, and OFX workflows.
AE/PR插件-视觉特效和转场蓝宝石插件BorisFX Sapphire 2022.02Win
Blender插件-模型焊接螺丝模具插件 Blender Market – ProFlow v0.0.6
ProFlow是Blender中一个模拟焊接效果的插件,可以添加各种螺丝等小模具效果等 ProFlow is a tool to add floaters on your objects.You can add Welds, Custom Assets, Moldings, etc.
Blender插件-加速建模插件 Speedflow v3.0.0 For Blender 2.8+
Speedflow是Blender的一个加快建模的插件,可以直接在三维视窗对效果器就行修改、多个效果器同时使用等 Speedflow is a group of modals that allows you to improve dramatically your workflow for modeling! With the addon, you can manage modifiers directly in the 3D view as simple and fast as possible. Select an
PR插件-项目媒体修剪存档整理脚本 PlumePack v1.2.3 Win/Mac
PlumePack收集您的Premiere项目和修剪媒体以使其轻巧,可以进行修剪、存档、整理等等!PlumePack collects your PrPro projects & trim medias to make it lightweight: Trim, Archive, Organize and more!
AE插件-图层纹理贴图背景制作 Pattoon V1.6 Win/Mac
借助PATTOON,终于可以轻松实现 After Effects中的纹理映射。从Creative Cloud库,Photoshop等中直接获取对您的纹理的图层访问权限,以及满足您所有设计需求的大量额外功能,纹理和预设。
达芬奇插件-视频调色插件 Timeinpixels Plug-ins Bundle 2022 (False Color/Nobe Color Remap/ Nobe Display)Win/Mac
Blender/C4D/Maya快速复制粘贴模型互导插件 Quick Copy Paste
AE/PR插件-画面故障干扰RGB色彩分离损坏特效 TV Distortion Bundle V2.7 Mac
TV Distortion Bundle 包含五个故障失真插件,支持...