Ae/Pr/Ps/OFX/Vegas/Nuke/达芬奇蓝宝石视觉特效插件Sapphire 2024.0 Win
蓝宝石插件Sapphire 2024可让您创建任何主机本机效...
Ae/Pr/Ps/OFX/Vegas/Nuke/达芬奇蓝宝石视觉特效插件Sapphire 2023.0 Win
Sapphire 插件可让您创建任何主机原生效果工具都无法比拟的令人惊叹的有机外观。主要功能包括 270 多种效果和 3000 多种预设、强大的效果和过渡生成器,以及与获得奥斯卡奖的 Mocha 集成的跟踪和遮罩。Sapphire卓越的图像质量、控制和渲染速度可节省大量时间——让创意人员专注于最重要的事情,产生让观众回头客的影响。
PS插-人像美容祛痘润肤美颜件 Ultimate Retouch Panel 3.9.2 Win
Ultimate Retouch panel包含175个功能,主要有7大...
Photoshop插件-蓝宝石视觉特效合成PS插件 Sapphire 2022.5 Win CE一键安装版
PS插件-商业图片人物磨皮美容 Retouching Academy – MUA Retouch Panel V1.0.1 Win/Mac + 使用教程
MUA Retouch Panel是PS的一个人物美容插件,甚至不需要很专业的PS技能,就可以对人物进行磨皮、局部美容、整体美容等多种操作
PS插件-多功能亮度蒙版混合扩展面板特效 Raya Pro 6.0 Win/Mac
一款非常不错的Photoshop终极数字混合工作流程面板,该面板包括所有的数码后期处理的过程简单的按钮,包括快速Rapid Blendi技术,应用图像和渐变遮罩,多种选集专用于亮度选区,每个按钮被设计独特的功能。
You’ve mastered the art of taking photos, Raya Pro will help with the art of post-processing. It began as the most powerful luminosity mask software in the world. But now it is so much more. It’s a one-stop tool that simplifies Photoshop and turns those photos on your hard drive into works of art.
PS插件-中文版胶片调色降噪锐化HDR图像处理特效滤镜Nik Collection 6.10.0 Win/Mac
8个适用于Photoshop和Lightroom Classic的高级插件...
PS插件-图片亮度插件 Lumenzia v10.9.3
Luminosity masking可以在PS中对图片亮度做很丰富的效果处理,为用户提供最简单的方式来创作出令人惊叹的图像,灵活性强。软件具有四个核心功能的发光蒙版面板,有创建蒙版,应用蒙版,优化蒙版和修整工具。
PS插件-图层快速对齐 Creative Market – Quick Align – Easy Layer Positioning v1.0.1
Quick Align provides several tools for speeding up your workflow when it comes to positioning layers. Photoshop’s built-in align & distribute functions are limited, so this plugin offers more options for common use cases.
PS插件-中文汉化版烤漆质感徽章别针样式生成器 Soft Enamel Pin Generator V1.0 Win/Mac
Photoshop插件-蓝宝石视觉特效合成PS插件 Sapphire 2022.02 Win
PS/Lr图片调色无损放大手绘滤镜插件 Alien Skin Exposure X3 Bundle
PS插件-笔刷制作管理插件 Brusherator 1.8
Brusherator for Photoshop CC and above! Brushes! On the Panel! Create tiny text buttons, larger auto-generated and custom thumbnail buttons. Keep your Brushes, Tool presets and Actions on a panel. And much more!
Ae/Pr/Ps/OFX/Vegas/Nuke/达芬奇蓝宝石视觉特效插件Sapphire 2022.53 Win
PS/LR插件-视觉特效修图插件 Boris FX Optics 2022
Boris FX新出的Optics是一款专注于修图的插件,支持Photoshop和Lightroom,包含大量个视觉特效、调色修图、光效、电影效果等预设
Optics (formerly called Digital Film Tools) is the definitive digital toolbox for photos. Created by professional feature film VFX artists, Optics is designed to simulate optical camera filters, specialized lenses, film stocks and grain, lens flares, optical lab processes, color correction as well as natural light and photographic effects. Take your images to the next level, try Optics.