Blender预设-电流闪电特效资产预设 Ultimate Lightning Pack V1.2
Blender预设-植物树木草地模型预设 Botaniq Tree And Grass Library V7.0.0
Blender预设-村庄房屋生成器几何节点预设 Village Generator
这是一个 Blender 几何节点村庄生成器。一切都是从一条曲线创建的!只需轻轻一挥笔,整个村庄就会神奇地出现!每个建筑物的规模和旋转都是随机的。
Blender预设-光线拖尾轨迹发生器 Light Trails Generator V1.1
将Blender曲线转换为光迹效果。适用于Eevee和Cycles,易于设置且完全可定制。它是几何节点设置,因此无需安装。Converts blender curves to light trail effects.Works with both Eevee and Cycles.Easy to setup and fully customizable.It is Geometry Nodes setup, not an addon, so no need to install it.
Blender预设-真实体积云雾爆炸火焰预设 True-VDB V1.0.7 + 预设库
Blender预设-卡通漫画眼睛预设 Stylized Anime Eye Generator V1.0
Stylized Anime Eyes is a procedural eye texture generator as a node group for Blender. Designed from the ground up with heavy customization in mind to measure up to the incredible variety seen in anime eyes, you can create countless eye variants with ease.
Blender预设-天空预设 Pure-Sky Pro 4.3 Full Pack (Eevee & Cycle)
Blender预设-180组车漆材质着色器资产预设 CarPaint Collection
Blender预设-逼真三维体积云朵工具 Real Cloud 1.0 Cloud Generator+预设库
RealCloud 是一个 Blender 插件和资源库,让您只需几个简单的步骤即可将高质量的云添加到您的作品中。还包含超过200组VDB格式的体积云预设。
Blender预设-花园植物树木预设库 Vegetation Pro V2 – Tree And Plant Animation Library Addon
Blender预设-250种动漫卡通着色器模型材质Blender预设 Alt Tab – Procedural Anime Pack
包含46种材质和200多个模型和基础网格,可以在任何场景中使用!它们的范围从 自然资产、室内元素到杂项物品,以填充您的场景并使其栩栩如生!支持Cycles和Eevee渲染器
Blender预设-真实镜头耀斑光效 GeoFlares V1.0
Geoflare 是一个几何节点对象,可以实时产生镜头耀斑效果。具有物体遮挡效果、镜头污垢、可广泛定制、基于几何节点、资产浏览器集成、实时和视口渲染,兼容Eevee和Cycles渲染器。
Blender预设-花草树木植物绿化模型 Botaniq Tree And Grass Library V6.7.0
Tree library Botaniq is an ever-expanding library of optimized & realistic 3D vegetation – mostly trees and grass. It features a variety of Trees, Grass, Flowers, Weed, Palms, Succulents, Shrubs, Weeds, Plants and Pots for Architectural Visualization, Environmental Design, Rendering Forests, Landscaping, or any other scenes that could use a bit of varied greenery.
Blender预设-夏日海滩人物角色3D模型资产预设 Summer Pack – People Set
Blender预设-三维真实眼球着色器节点 Universal Human Eye Shader 1.0
支持Cycles渲染器的可定制眼球材料(纹理单独提供),用于包含的基础网格或通用人类装备/网格。Customisable eyeball materials for Cycles (textures available separately), for use with the included base mesh or with the Universal Human rigs/meshes. The shader is separate from the textures so as to provide a more affordable option for those wanting to supply their own textures.
Blender预设-创建复杂羽毛工具 Nuja – Feather And Plumage Tools
Blender预设-雪生成器资产预设 DefoQ – Snowify Procedural Snow Generator + 使用教程
Blender插件-三维自定义女性角色基础模型预设 Customize Female Base Mesh Anime Style V1.3
Create up to 106 female anime style character meshes mixing and matching different parts. Customize it to help increase your productivity! A good base mesh allows you to save time with good proportions and clean topology.
Blender预设-汽车绑定插件预设 Blenderesse Offroad Rig Generator V04
Blender预设- 700+垃圾堆瓶子纸箱塑料袋垃圾箱废品3D模型资产预设库
Blender材质预设包插件 Extreme PBR Nexus V4.1.131 + 2K资产预设包
Blender预设-真实液体水珠水滴模拟工具 H2O Droplet Simulation v1