Blender插件-形态键管理 Shape Key Manager Pro V1.4.2
Shape Key Manager PRO is designed to speed up your shape key rigging workflow. It allows you to duplicate and/or mirror your shape keys while maintaining and retarget their drivers.Have you ever finished rigging setting up the drivers for one side of your character only to have to repeat the same tedious workflow for the other side. With this addon you can accomplish the task in less than a minute.
C4D插件-多通道贴图材质自动生成 MaterialMaker v1.01 Win
C4D插件-HDR图片投射 Cinema 4D Octane HDRI Projector v1.2+使用教程
Blender插件-三维自定义女性角色基础模型预设 Customize Female Base Mesh Anime Style V1.3
Create up to 106 female anime style character meshes mixing and matching different parts. Customize it to help increase your productivity! A good base mesh allows you to save time with good proportions and clean topology.
Blender黑色UI界面主题 True Dark Blender Theme Pack v1.1
Blender comes with a default Dark Theme but it is not so user-friendly compared to other dark themes in softwares. So I decided to make a theme pack, that is modern and user-friendly you will surely love working with them in Blender
AE插件-中文汉化版众多图片文字汇聚成自定义图形 Pastiche v2.1.15 Mac/Win
AE/PR插件-Win/Mac中文汉化版红巨人视觉特效转场宇宙套装 Red Giant Universe V6.0.1
Blender插件-三维汽车快速绑定 Rigicar v2.2.0
Rigicar是一个 Blender 附加组件,用于简单逼真的车辆动画。不是直接给汽车做骨骼绑定,使用简单,您可以使用动画车辆快速填充您的场景。无需模拟,一切都是实时的,阻尼器也是如此!
Rigicar is a Blender add-on for easy realistic vehicle animation. No rig no bones to use. Simple to use, you can rapidly populate your scene with animated vehicles. No simulation needed. Everything is real-time, dampers too!
Blender插件-喷气式飞机模型生成工具 Aviation Jet Strike Addon V1.0
Aviation Jet Strike 是空中创作的完美插件,它包括高度详细的军用和商用喷气机模型。大量详细的纹理皮肤、推力系统、云系统、天空 hdri 背景和一个简单的点击动画选项,将程序随机动画添加到选定的平面
Aviation Jet Strike is the perfect addon for aerial creation, It includes highly detailed models of Military and Commercial Jets. Numerous detailed texture skin, thrust system, cloud system, sky hdri backgrounds and a simple click to animate option which adds procedural random animation to the selected plane
Nuke插件-从图片制作面部头部3D建模 KeenTools FaceBuilder v2023.2.0 Win
Ae/Pr/Ps/OFX/Vegas/Nuke/达芬奇蓝宝石视觉特效插件Sapphire 2023.53 Win
3DS MAX插件-智能摄像机视角插件 Smart Camera View v3.93
Blender插件-图片图像降噪插件 Lazy Image Denoiser V1.0.1
使用 Blender 的 Composite Editor Denoise 节点一...
Blender插件-模拟三维真实爆炸火焰特效 VDBLab V1.0+使用教程
AE/PR插件-视频背景智能抠像 Goodbye Greenscreen v2.1.1 Win/Mac
红巨人后期流程插件套装 Red Giant Shooter Suite 13.1.6
AE插件:卡通动态模糊拖尾特效AEscripts CartoonMoblur v1.5.2 + 视频教程
PR/AME插件:Blackmagic RAW素材导入 Aescripts BRAW Studio v1.3.0 for Premiere Pro