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Faceit是一个Blender插件,它允许您半自动地为类人角色生成一组面部形状键,而无需使用任何雕刻或建模工具。使用 Faceit,您可以在几分钟内为您的角色模型准备好高质量动画。 Faceit is a Blender Add-on that allows you to semi-automatically generate a set of facial shape keys for humanoid characters without using any sculpting or modelling tools. With Faceit you can ready your character model for high quality Animation in minutes!

使用Car Teleporter ,您可以轻松地在项目中导入和使用汽车。拥有超过90多辆汽车(将增加更多),您可以在您的建筑项目、物理动画 场景、修改、 NFT 、 hdri 、游戏引擎中使用它。 With Car Teleporter, you can easily import and use a car in your project. With more than 90+ cars (more will be added) there will be no need to buy or model cars. You can use it in your architectural projects, physical animation scenes, modified, NFT, hdri, game engine.

借助 Quick Field 插件,您可以为 3D 打印的微型场景快速创建土壤表面。With the Quick Field addon, you can quickly create soil surfaces for 3D printed miniature scenery.

插件是用于弯曲细分网格的便捷工具。您添加边缘循环或细分您的网格;选择要弯曲的面(可以是中间部分的所有面);运行该工具,在黄色轴上拖动以弯曲。 Simple Bend is a handy tool for bending sub-divided mesh. You add the edge-loops or sub-divide your mesh Select the faces for bending (it can be all faces of just the middle parts) Run the tool, Drag on the yellow axis to bend.

通过切割网格轻松创建有趣的形状。不同形状的预制刀具。几何和未来主义的外观或风格。为您的几何图形添加细节或以切割方式创建基础网格!Create interesting shapes easily through cutting meshes. Premade cutters in different shapes. Geometric and futuristic look or style.Add details to your geometry or create base meshes in a cutting way!

这使用插件工具,可以告诉对象跟踪粒子,然后移动到网格上的某个点。下面的第二个工具可以让您为其提供第二个网格目标。从那里,您可以使用我的动画偏移和曲线工具使动画更有趣,允许您在形状之间变形。 This uses the Track Particles Position tool to allow you to tell objects to track particles then move to a spot on a mesh. A second tool found just below lets you then give it a second mesh destination. From there you can use my animation offset and curve tools to make the animation more interesting, allowing you to morph between shapes.

用于创建程序引擎火焰特效的简单工具,该插件有一个简单的设置参数,使您能够轻松快速为您的宇宙飞船或科幻场景创建引擎火焰,或者如果您正在尝试制作一个很好的动画插件会帮助你。 Jet Flame Add-on is an easy tool for creating procedural engine flames fx, the addon has an easy setting parameter that will make you able to create engine flames easily and quickly for your spaceship or your scifi scene, or if you are trying to make a good animation that addon will help you for that.


使用此几何节点组,您可以测量 3D 模型并使用模型导出技术数据。易于渲染或将它们上传到sketchfab。通过将几何节点组添加到松散边缘并调整参数来使用。可以测量角度和距离,我们目前自动支持米、厘米、毫米、英寸、英尺、度和弧度。注释箭头可用于向模型添加附加信息。测量值可以通过钩子修改器、形状键或骨骼轻松设置动画,您的测量值会实时更新。

FLIP Fluids 流体插件可以帮助您设置,运行,并呈现液体模拟效果。我们定制的流体引擎基于流行的FLIP仿真技术,该技术也可以在其他专业工具(例如Houdini,Phoenix FD,Bifrost和Mantaflow)中找到。FLIP Fluids引擎已经持续开发了四年多,主要致力于将模拟器作为附件紧密集成到Blender中。感觉就像是本机的Blender工具!支持2.8+

Cracker插件是一个方便的小工具,可以尽可能轻松地制作裂缝。选择一个对象,按Ctrl + w,调整为所需的外观,然后应用。真的就是这么简单。您现在可以以思想的速度制造裂缝! The Cracker add-on is a handy little tool for making cracks as easily as possible. Select an object, press Ctrl + w, adjust for the desired appearance, and apply. It’s really that simple. You can now create cracks at the speed of thought!

NGon Loop Select是一个Blender插件,它允许您在一步中选择Ngons周围的边缘循环。只需双击任何边缘以选择循环或选择一个边缘(它应该是活动的)并按“D”。按住 shift 可选择更多循环。 NGon Loop Select is a Blender addon that allows you to select edge loops around Ngons in just one step.

Grid Modeler是方便创建3D模型的便捷工具。Grid Modeler使您可以按照绘制的形状进行布尔切割或在彼此顶部创建网格。这是Blender中的新建模工作流程。它被证明是非常有效的。 Grid Modeler shows snapping grid lines on your selected face. You can use it on multiple faces (co-planar), or even selected edge (edge’s normal).You can draw shapes, then Boolean cut it, create a new face + extrude, or Boolean Slicing. It has rich functions and it can help you to create new mesh very fast.


为您的模型设置合适的照明设置的最简单、最快的方法。为不擅长照明的人制作了这个插件。解决此问题的一种方法是蛮力方法。在几秒钟内尝试数千种设置。这正是这个插件的目的。 Lighter is the easiest and fastest way to have a decent lighting setup for your models. I made this addon for people like me who are not really good at lighting. One way to solve this problem is the brute force way. Trying thousands of setups in a matter of seconds. And that’s exactly what this addon is about.

Blender Auto LOD是一种快速简单的工具,可为场景中的所有对象制作自动 LOD(细节级别)。使用Blender Auto LOD ,您可以节省渲染时间,并在文件中使用更少的内存!插件会为场景中的所有对象添加抽取修饰符,抽取值将根据与主对象的距离自动计算,您可以选择,您还可以设置最小抽取值,范围从主要对象,您可以一键删除所有抽取修饰符! Blender Auto LOD is a fast and simple tool that make auto LOD (level of details) for all of your objects in the scene.With Blender Auto LOD you can save your render time, and use less memory in your file!

  【预设简介】 Blender缺乏对本机FBX的支持,当我们导入一些较旧...

Smooth Preview是一个旨在模拟 Maya 中的“3”的插件。它切换多个对象的细分曲面。适用于多个选定对象。Smooth preview is an addon intended to emulate the “3” in maya. It toggles the the subdivision surface of multiple objects. Works on multiple selected objects

此插件将在雕刻模式下遮盖隐藏您选择的顶点。This Addon Will mask your Selected Vertices in Sculpt Mode

旨在加快您的形状键装配工作流程。它允许您复制和/或镜像您的形状键,同时维护和重新定位其驱动程序。 Shape Key Manager PRO is designed to speed up your shape key rigging workflow. It allows you to duplicate and/or mirror your shape keys while maintaining and retarget their drivers.Have you ever finished rigging setting up the drivers for one side of your character only to have to repeat the same tedious workflow for the other side. With this addon you can accomplish the task in less than a minute.

Fog Planes插件在blender 3d 环境中完成了雾的工作。它为您提供了大量的雾纹理,这些纹理带有高级着色器,用于在雾平面中进行必要的单独调整。它易于使用,只需单击几下,您就可以创建逼真的雾,为您的渲染提供正确的神秘氛围。无论您需要用于静态渲染还是动画,使用Fog Planes雾平面插件,您都可以快速为自然场景添加细节,从而获得出色的效果,并且不会不必要地增加渲染时间。 This Fog Planes addon completes the work with fog in the 3d environment. It provides you with a large gallery of fog textures which come with advanced shader for the necessary individual adjustments in the fog planes.It's easy to use and with a few clicks you can create realistic fogs that give your renderings the right mystical atmosphere.Whether you need it for still renderings or for animations, with the Fog Planes you can quickly add a detail to nature scenes that gives great results and don't unnecessarily increase the rendering time.

插件可以在软件中生成三维人物模型,如人物的外形、皮肤、表情、发型、服装、动作等。 Human Generator is a Blender add-on and comes with full customer support for use in Blender, but currently not for other 3D software.

25个低多边形人物模型,带有1K漫反射和法线贴图。用于中远距离相机拍摄。还包括低聚 OBJ 文件。25 Low Poly models with 1K diffuse and normal maps. Use for medium to long range camera shots. Also included are the low poly OBJ files.

包含46种材质和200多个模型和基础网格,可以在任何场景中使用!它们的范围从 自然资产、室内元素到杂项物品,以填充您的场景并使其栩栩如生!支持Cycles和Eevee渲染器

