AE插件:复古游戏8bit像素 Aescripts RetroDither V1.3
PS插件:商业人像磨皮美容插件 RA Beauty Retouch Panel V3.3 + Pixel Juggler v2.2 for Photoshop CS6-CC2019 Win/Mac破解版
Beauty Retouch是一款帮助摄影师和修图师加快PS图...
Maya插件-艺术场景渲染插件 Bella For Maya 2018/2019 Win破解版
AI插件-多功能创意变形工具套装插件 CValley FILTERiT 5.4.0 Win破解版
FILTERiT是Adobe Illustrator的创意变形效果插件套...
AE插件脚本-性能测试跑分工具 AE Benchmark v1.0 Win/Mac
Blender插件-模型表面建模贴图插件 Gumroad – DecalMachine V2.3.0
AE/PR插件-80年代复古8bit像素化视觉特效 Vizual PixelPerfect v1.0.0 Win/Mac
Premiere Pro 和 After Effects 的视觉效果插件集...
Blender插件-花草树木模型随机分布散步生成插件 Blender Market – Scatter 5.0
Blender插件-节点缩略图可视化预览 Node Preview V1.8
此插件可在Cycles着色器节点上方显示渲染缩略图。This addon displays rendered thumbnails above Cycles shader nodes. 支持Blender版本:2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93,3.0
Blender插件-HDRI环境制作模拟插件 HDRi Maker 2.0.87
HDRi Maker可以在Blender中快速模拟各种HDRI环境效果,同时也包含400+制作好的HDRI效果可以直接使用
AE插件-专业置换贴图映射高级版 Displacer Pro v1.1 Win/Mac + 使用教程
插件制作Plugin Everything团队总会给我们带来惊喜,免费发布了这款专业置换贴图映射高级版AE插件 Displacer Pro,与AE自带的贴图映射插件功能更多,操控性更强,且支持GPU加速。
Blender插件-图层管理应用 Pseudo Object Layer V1.42
Pseudo Object Layer is an Blender Addon that helps you to do a “Quick and Dirty” object grouping with some utility function that helps on working with the object.You can Hide, Lock, Solo, Disable Modifier the object in the layer and many more.
Blender插件-物理动力学碰撞工具 Collider Tools V1.01
用于为游戏和实时应用程序创建物理对撞机。该插件提供了许多工具,用于在 Blender 中快速轻松地创建最常见的碰撞器类型,如Box、Sphere、Convex、Convex(圆柱形)、Auto Convex(仅限 Windows )和Mesh 。然后可以将这些碰撞器导入到UE、Unity等引擎中。该插件通过在Object和Edit-mode中使用选择以及提供全局或局部空间生成等设置提供了很大的灵活性和可控性。此外,该插件支持基于原始网格(修改前堆栈)和评估网格(修改后堆栈)的生成。Collider Tools 提供了组织对撞机、显示、隐藏和选择它们的功能,以及自动生成多个凸面形状来表示复杂网格(凸面分解)的工具。
Collider Tools is a Blender add-on to create physics colliders for games and real-time applications. The add-on offers a lot of tools for creating the most common collider types like Box, Sphere, Convex, Convex (cylindrical), Auto Convex (Windows only), and Mesh quickly and easily within Blender. These colliders can then be imported to engines like UE, Unity, and others.
Blender插件-模拟火焰燃烧扩散特效 Ignite – Fire Dynamics V1.00+使用教程
Ignite为 Blender添加了一种全新类型的物理模拟。到目前为止,“火”模拟始终是静态的:火焰只是从同一个地方源源不断地冒出来。取而代之的是,使用 Ignite,您可以点燃小火,看着它蔓延并消耗掉物体。随着热量在表面和空气中传播,材料燃烧并留下烧焦的表面。
Ignite adds a completely new type of physics simulation to Blender. Up until now, “fire” simulations were always static: flames just came endlessly from the same spot. Instead, with Ignite, you can start a small fire and watch it spread and consume the object. As heat spreads over the surface and through the air, the material burns up and leaves behind charred surfaces.
Blender插件-赛博朋克科幻室内环境场景模型预设 Sci Fi – Cyberpunk Parallax Rooms
5个独特的设计,无灯,霓虹灯,霓虹灯+贴花地图,共 15张地图 ,1K 和 3K EXR 文件套件操作的KPACK ,预览混合文件,支持EEVEE 和 Cycles渲染器。您可以直接在建筑物上复制、缩放和放置这些单平面视错觉,以创建将室内房间添加到场景中的效果。
AE插件-中文汉化版动态线条路径描边绘制生长动画 Volna V2.3 Win
Blender插件-真实小溪河流生成 Realtime River Generator
Procedural River Generator.
Works with Blender 3.3 and above.
Created using Geometry Nodes.
Works in EEVEE and Cycles.
Blender预设-卡通漫画眼睛预设 Stylized Anime Eye Generator V1.0
Stylized Anime Eyes is a procedural eye texture generator as a node group for Blender. Designed from the ground up with heavy customization in mind to measure up to the incredible variety seen in anime eyes, you can create countless eye variants with ease.
Blender插件-外太空三维星球天体生成器 Physical Celestial Objects V0.1.0
插件Physical Celestial Objects让您只需点击几下即可创建真实比例的物理精确行星。可设置纹理、半径、旋转、角度、大气层等。