Blender插件-交通工具汽车三维模型绑定预设 Car – Traffiq Library – Rigged Cars V1.6.1
从头开始制造汽车是一项艰巨且耗时的任务。使用这个汽车库来节省时间,不要把时间浪费在造车上!traffiq 是一个不断扩展的库,包含各种车辆(目前主要是汽车)的逼真、优化资产和用于建筑可视化、环境设计、渲染街道或其他场景的交通相关资产。
Creating cars from scratch is a hard and time-consuming task. Use this car library to save time and don’t waste time on making cars! traffiq is an ever-expanding library of realistic, optimized assets of various vehicles (mostly cars for now) as well as traffic-related assets for architectural visualizations, environmental design, rendering streets, or other scenes.
AE插件-中文汉化版动态线条路径描边绘制生长动画 Volna V2.4.1 Win
Blender插件-三维下水管道模型生成器 GeoPipes v1.0.1 – Geometry Nodes Pipes
GeoPipes is a Blender Addon that allows you to generate procedural Pipes by using Geometry Nodes.The core of the addon is Geometry Nodes but the addon makes it much more convenient by offering the ability to create pipes in the Object mode by simply clicking on surfaces.
Blender预设-海面水材质着色器预设 Ultimate Water Shader v2.5.0
Introducing the Ultimate Water 3D shader, the best water shader created for Blender. The Successor of the Ultimate Water Shader. With more than 5 new realistic features and several improvements!The full price variant contains the Ultimate Water 3D (UW53 D) + the Ultimate Water 5hader (UW5), the older (NOT obsolete version).
3DS MAX插件-三维模型位置随机互换 Scatter Tools V1.02
Scatter Tools是一个功能强大的 3dsMax 插件,可以以非常简单和直观的方式重新排列、随机化和重新分布场景中的对象。交换它们,应用随机变换并快速将它们分散到任何你需要的地方。
AE/PR插件-红巨人降噪磨皮美颜调色套装 Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite v2023.2.1 Win/Mac
Blender插件-三维真实栏杆生成器 ACS – Railing Generator
无论是在楼梯、露台还是阳台上,通常都需要栏杆。但是,它非常耗时,而且事后通常不能灵活更改。该系统可让您放置一个100%程序化的栏杆,该栏杆用途 广泛且 无损。有了这个系统,仅根据每个组件的不同样式,就可以将6400 多种组合放在一起。这些只是不同的风格!不同的高度、宽度、杆数、材料等允许 无限组合!
Blender插件-污渍腐蚀锈斑生成器 Rust Blender Addon V1.0
使用插件可以快速给模型添加污渍腐蚀锈斑效果,支持Eevee和Cycles渲染器。The RUST Blender Addon creates a quick rust shader for your 3d models, its works with Eevee and Cycles.
AE/PR插件-红巨星粒子特效套装 Red Giant Trapcode Suite V2024.0.1 Particular/Form/Tao/Mir/3D Stroke Win/Mac 中文版/英文版
Blender插件-便捷菜单工具集合包 Machin3tools 1.6.0 DeusEx
Blender插件-Fluid Painter v1.3.18 轻松绘制流体工具
Blender插件-科幻魔法物质溶解消散特效 POSTSHADE DissolveFX 1.01
C4D流体模拟插件 NextLimit RealFlow C4D R17-R19 Win
可以在Cinema 4D软件里使用RealFlow插件制作模拟流...
AE插件:三维星球特效插件VideoCopilot ORB带视频教程中文字幕
AE插件:科技感地球制作 Aescripts Power Sphere v1.1.4
AE/C4D插件:二维动画笔刷手绘跟踪C4D合成插件 Aescripts Paint & Stick V2.1.2a Win/Mac
AE插件:图层贴图纹理制作 Aescripts PATTOON v1.0