Maya插件:医学人体肌肉骨骼模拟插件 Ziva Dynamics Ziva VFX v1.7
PS插件:态图片局部流动循环动画特效 ImageMotion for Photoshop Win/Mac + 使用教程
一个用于Photoshop 动画制作的新插件,它将快速轻...
C4D插件-快速钻孔挖洞工具 PolyCircle v1.6 For Cinema 4D
Blender插件-三维立体像素插件 Voxel Heat Diffuse Skinning 3.1.1
AE插件-电子信号波纹特效模拟插件 Aescripts Modulation v2.1 Win
达芬奇插件-摄像机色彩空间匹配调色插件 CineMatch v1.053 Mac苹果版
AE插件-图层边界自动填充生长动画中文汉化插件 AutoFill v1.1.3 Win/Mac
Blender插件-三维真实自然环境地貌模拟生成工具 Real Environments V1.0
C4D插件-RealFlow C4D R25流体模拟插件 NextLimit RealFlow V3.3.5.0057
可以在Cinema 4D软件里使用RealFlow插件制作模拟流...
AE/PR插件-中文汉化版人工AI智能视频无损放大插件 ScaleUP v1.3.0 Win
Blender插件-植物树木草地模型预设 Botaniq Tree And Grass Library V6.4.3
AE插件-中文汉化版漂亮发光辉光 Aescripts Deep Glow V1.5.0 Win/Mac
AE插件-牛顿动力学 Newton V3.4.18 Win-使用教程
AE插件-中文汉化版众多图片文字汇聚成自定义图形 Pastiche v2.1.13 Win
Blender插件-高级GPU实时渲染器 K-Cycles 3.22 Win/Linux
K-CyclesX 是高度优化的 Cycles-X 渲染引擎、超降噪器和 Blender 实时视口效果的自定义构建。它与 Cycles 完全兼容,专为 Nvidia GPU 设计。
K-CyclesX is a highly optimized custom build of Cycles-X render engine, ultra denoiser and realtime viewport effects for Blender. It is fully compatible with Cycles and designed for Nvidia GPUs.
Blender插件-三维楼房建筑生成器 Blender Geometry Node Tools – Procedural Building
使用着色器分配系统来指定在网格上实例化您想要的任何集合的位置。要有创意!有 7 个不同的插槽供您随意使用。输入一个集合以随机选择变化。使用选项,为它们中的每一个缩放并适合原始面部大小。您可以添加屋顶瓦片、柱子、壁架、横梁。他们将代表什么取决于您,这取决于您提供的输入。如果您需要,这些只是可用的不同功能。包括7种建筑风格!他们都使用相同的GeoNode。他们只是有不同的输入来显示系统的多功能性。随意使用它们并为您的项目修改它们。
Blender插件-出色的材质纹理贴图系统 Eevee + Cycles Materials System V9.1
Eevee + Cycles Materials System(曾用名Definitely Eevee Materials System)拥有220多种照片级的材质集合,包括一些令人惊叹的板面板、边缘磨损、玻璃、全息等等。可以使用随附的免费版KIT OPS添加到任何对象,对象不需要UV映射!使用包含的系统化方法,您可以创建无限数量的衍生照片级材质。
It’s a collection of 100+ EEVEE compatible Photoreal Materials which can be added to any object using the included FREE version of KIT OPS. No UV mapping necessary for objects!Using the included systematized approach, you can create an infinite number of derivative photoreal materials.
Blender插件-下雨涟漪雨滴特效插件 Rain Water v2.1 + 使用教程
A set of shader nodes to add rain and water to any material!From a light shower, to a heavy downpour. From puddles to raging sea.The nodes create water, waves, ripples and splash rings on the water as well as refraction and discoloring of surfaces below water level. Raindrop splashes and wetness seeping on surfaces above water level complete the effect!
Blender插件-形态键管理 Shape Key Manager Pro V1.4.2
Shape Key Manager PRO is designed to speed up your shape key rigging workflow. It allows you to duplicate and/or mirror your shape keys while maintaining and retarget their drivers.Have you ever finished rigging setting up the drivers for one side of your character only to have to repeat the same tedious workflow for the other side. With this addon you can accomplish the task in less than a minute.
Blender插件-路径绘制模型生成器 Scribble Gen
Scribble Gen 可以根据你绘制的路径,生成各种模型,比如墙面、链条、粒子、曲线等。
Using the power of geometry nodes, Scribble Gen contains the following sets:
Blender插件-中心轴线可视化插件 Visual Axis V1.2.0
Visual Axis可以让Blender的轴线可视化,方便自己对模型做XY轴的变化
Visual Axis is a “visual aid” tool for showing X, Y axis for “cursor transform”.When using the cursor transform for iregular angle, sometimes we are not sure about the X, Y direction, this tool is designed for this purpose !