AE脚本:根据说话自动对口型动画 lipsyncr V2.7 + 使用教程
C4D教程:C4D R20域结合物体动画教程Cineversity – Walking Through Fields – Squishy Tubes In Cinema 4D
MAXON Cinema 4D C4D 2024.2.0 + Redshift渲染器 V3.5.22 Win/Mac 中文版/英文版
Cinema 4D 2024为您最苛刻的创意场景提供无与伦比...
C4D教程:FUI科幻元素制作 Cineversity – The Perception Guide to FUI In Cinema 4D
C4D插件-音乐节奏BPM动画工具 Nitro4D AniMidi v1.1
Blender插件-三维人物角色动作自动绑定工具 Auto-Rig Pro 3.64.11
Auto-Rig Pro是一种多合一的解决方案,用于绑定角色,重新定位动画并为Unity和Unreal Engine提供Fbx导出。最初是作为我自己的内部装配工具开发的,几年前我已经发布了它,此后又添加了许多新功能。
Blender插件-真实花园灌木生成工具 Gardener Pro V3 – Bushes,Hedges & Shrubs Creator
一款全新的必备工具,可一键创建逼真的灌木、树篱和灌木!得益于其来自五大洲的大量植物物种,Gardener 为您提供不少于39 种植物以及45 种树干模型和96 个生物群落。总共有350多个预设。
Gardener is the new essential tool to create photorealistic bushes, hedges, and shrubs in 1 click! Thanks to its large collection of plant species from the 5 continents, Gardener offers you no less than 39 varieties of
plants as well as 45 models of trunk and 96 biomes. It’s more than 350 assets total.
AVID插件-专业摄像机反求摩卡平面跟踪 Mocha Pro 2022 v9.0.1 Win
Blender插件-模型弯曲细分网格效果器 Simple Bend v2.2.0
Blender预设-海面水材质着色器预设 Ultimate Water Shader v2.5.0
Introducing the Ultimate Water 3D shader, the best water shader created for Blender. The Successor of the Ultimate Water Shader. With more than 5 new realistic features and several improvements!The full price variant contains the Ultimate Water 3D (UW53 D) + the Ultimate Water 5hader (UW5), the older (NOT obsolete version).
Blender插件-布线优化建模工具包 Smart Loops Toolkit V1.01
A set of tools for blender 2.80+ that will accelerate and enhance your modelling process. In a matter of seconds, upscale the resolution of your geometry (even boolean cutouts!) without distorting the faces around, undo/redo your bevels and much more! There are more tools incoming and I eagerly await your feedback. Have fun and I hope you enjoy using the tools!
Blender插件-模型约束控制 Blocker v0.1.7
Blocker is a simple-to-use addon for quick blocking out a shape and stylizing. There are loads of tools out there, but I was looking for a way to design a form quickly. It’s like placing blocks (cubes) first, joining them, and modifying them.
AE脚本:自定义特效控件组合 Aescripts Pseudo Effect Maker V2.2.16
Blender插件-Blender+Substance桥接插件 Substance Import-Export Tools v1.3.24
可以将Blender模型导入到Substance Painter中制作...
AE脚本-为基本图形属性参数自定义命名 Essential Namer V2.3 + 使用教程
将您最常用的图层属性添加到基本图形面板,而无需导航到您的活动组合并在此过程中添加自定义属性命名。Add your most common layer properties to the Essential Graphics Panel without having to navigate to your active comp and add custom property naming in the process.