Blender插件-形态键整理 Shape Key Collections V1.00
组织形状键是一场噩梦,因为由于原生 Blender 中缺乏任何此类机制,您无法为它们赋予结构。这是 Shape Key Collections 节省时间并允许完全控制您的 shape 键的地方。B环结构混乱,一个文件夹结构。使用这个新的管理系统,您可以重命名和组织哪些形状键进入哪个文件夹集合,包括子文件夹的好处,以获得您的许多形状键的完整细节。
Organizing shape keys is a nightmare because you just cannot give them structure due to the lack of any such mechanism in native Blender.This is where Shape Key Collections saves the day and allows for full control over your shape keys. Bring structure to the chaos, a folder structure, that is.With this new management system you can rename and organize which shape keys go in which folder collection, including the benefit of subfolders for full detail of your many shape keys.
AE/Premiere/Encoder加速渲染编码插件 Aescripts AfterCodecs v1.6.3 Win/Mac破解版
AE插件-牛顿动力学插件 Newton 3.4 Win/Mac + 使用教程
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3D Volumetric Fractal Flames. Create beautiful backgrounds, Nebulas and sci-fi fx, in traditional and 360/VR formats.
AE插件-中文汉化版动态线条路径描边绘制生长动画 Volna V2.4.1 Win
Blender插件-模型重拓扑 SpeedRetopo v0.1.8
SpeeRetopo Addon帮助您在Blender上轻松快速地进行Retopology!这个插件是为初学者设计的,使用起来非常简单。它为您提供了所有必要的工具来进行润饰。Speedretopo由一位自由艺术家为所有艺术家制作。
SpeeRetopo Addon’s helps you to make easy and Fast Retopology on Blender!The addon was made for beginners and is really simple to use. It gives you all the necessary tools to work on your retopology. Speedretopo was made by a freelance artist for all blender artists.
Blender插件-非对称网格上镜像顶点权重操作 Closest Point Weight Mirror V0.0.4
一个Blender插件,用于在非对称网格上镜像顶点权重。许多(如果不是大多数的话)生产游戏网格不是完全对称的。为了设计,它们通常至少有某种不对称性,这应该没问题。 当网格完全对称或具有对称拓扑时,Blender 的默认操作符将成功镜像权重,但如果它略微不对称,或者镜像侧的拓扑略有不同怎么办? 那应该不是问题。其他软件的重量镜像功能“正常工作”,您在 Blender 中的也应该如此。 这就是这个插件的用武之地。使用它来镜像一个或所有顶点组的权重,并且干净利落地这样做。这种技术快速而直接,但它还可以让您 精确控制镜像方向、权重分布方法和中心骨骼的线性混合宽度等选项。
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Premiere Pro 和 After Effects 的视觉效果插件集...
Blender插件-逼真粒子粉尘漂浮生成器 Dust Generator
Blender插件-逼真粒子粉尘漂浮生成器 Dust Generator。支持Cycles和EEVEE渲染器
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3DS MAX插件-阿诺德插件Arnold渲染器 SolidAngle MAXtoA v5.4.2.7 For 3ds Max 2021/2022/2023
在SIGGRAPH 2016宣布发布3DS MAX版本的阿诺德插件
Launching at SIGGRAPH 2016, Arnold for 3ds Max (or MAXtoA) provides a bridge to the Arnold renderer from within the standard 3ds Max interface.
Blender预设-创建复杂羽毛工具 Nuja – Feather And Plumage Tools
C4D插件:C4D破碎插件 Nitro4D NitroBlast v2.0 R15/R16/R17/R18 Win/Mac
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Blender插件-饼状菜单对话框工具栏 Pie Menu Editor V1.18.7
把Blender软件视窗以以饼状菜单的形式调出命令窗口。An add-on for Blender 2.79+/3.0+ that allows you to create pie menus, menus, popup dialogs, side panels and toolbars without coding.