C4D插件-高级渲染器插件 V-Ray Advanced 5.20.00 For Cinema 4D R20-R25 Win
Blender插件-实用零部件模型 X-Cutters For Kitops 2
通过切割网格轻松创建有趣的形状。不同形状的预制刀具。几何和未来主义的外观或风格。为您的几何图形添加细节或以切割方式创建基础网格!Create interesting shapes easily through cutting meshes. Premade cutters in different shapes. Geometric and futuristic look or style.Add details to your geometry or create base meshes in a cutting way!
AE插件-特效管理控制工具 VideoCopilot FXConsole v1.0.5 Win/Mac M1+ 使用教程
VideoCopilot 网站又出品了一款强大的 AE特效管理...
AE插件-中文汉化版静态图片局部流动循环动画特效插件 loopFlow v1.1.0 Win/Mac+使用教程
Blender插件-天空地形山水自然环境生成器 TerrainScapes V2.0
The TerrainScapes addon is an expanding library of assets and toolsets which enables Blender users creating lovely landscape scenes. Our goal for this addon is to make it as intuitive an easy to use, but also as qualitative and adaptive as possible.
Blender插件-破碎插件 Fracture Iterator v1.6
Nuke插件-视频无损放大变清晰 Pixelmania NNSuperResolution V3.4.4
Blender插件-布线优化建模工具包 Smart Loops Toolkit V1.01
A set of tools for blender 2.80+ that will accelerate and enhance your modelling process. In a matter of seconds, upscale the resolution of your geometry (even boolean cutouts!) without distorting the faces around, undo/redo your bevels and much more! There are more tools incoming and I eagerly await your feedback. Have fun and I hope you enjoy using the tools!
C4D阿诺德渲染器 SolidAngle C4DtoA 4.2.0 R21/R22/R23/R24/R25 Win/Mac
Blender插件-人物角色模型骨骼绑定加快手动装配 Bonera v1.3.1
Bonera is an addon that provide a Set of Tool to Help to speed up the tedious part that is in the Manual Rigging Process.The addon turned some of the more repetitive operator that sometimes solves using Simple Python script packed into a Toolkit Addon.
Blender插件-齿轮制作插件 Precision Gears V0.08
recision Gears可以制作各种精密的齿轮模型,包含参数化系统,可以自定义齿轮效果
Precision Gears is a blender addon developed to bring an array of mathematically accurate involute gears to the precision world of Blender. Not only that, it’s all incapsulated inside the closest thing to a faux “parametric” system, giving you the ability to change your gears on the fly.
Blender插件-爬山虎常春藤生成插件 Baga Ivy Generator V1.0.3
The most complete ivy generator for Blender. Enjoy full control over your generation, multiple presets and our asset library.
AE插件:三维变形插件套装 Mettle plugins bundle CE v31102017
AE插件-色环色轮视频调色 Warping Wheels v3.0.0
At first sight, one may not immediately recognize the difference between the traditional color wheels and the Picture Instruments Warping Wheels. However, at second glance it becomes clear that the Warping Wheels are far superior to the traditional color wheels.
ZB插件-人体生物模型插件 ZBRUSH Human ZBuilder V3 Win/Mac + 使用教程
Human ZBuilder是ZBrush的一款插件,可以快速制作...
Blender插件-Fluid Painter v1.3.18 轻松绘制流体工具
Blender预设-25个低多边形三维人物模型 Dosch Lo-Poly People Vol. 2: Kpack 1
25个低多边形人物模型,带有1K漫反射和法线贴图。用于中远距离相机拍摄。还包括低聚 OBJ 文件。25 Low Poly models with 1K diffuse and normal maps. Use for medium to long range camera shots. Also included are the low poly OBJ files.
Blender插件-赛博朋克科幻灯光三维模型预设 Cyberpunk Emissive Inserts – Kpack – Sci Fi Lights
这套预设包含30种赛博朋克科幻风格三维灯光模型预设,支持KIT OPS插件。
KPACK works with Kit ops. KIT OPS is the premiere kitbashing asset management tool for Blender with over 50,000 downloads. It works in both – FREE and PRO versions.
Real geometry
It is super easy to use and can be used in different workflows.
Inserts are made with no bevel applied, so you can modify them even further if you wish.
You can make anything that you want, whether it be mech, gun, crate, cylinder, or even a whole environment, such as a galaxy station or base on Mars.
The pack is made in Blender 2.9, which means it works in both versions – 2.9 and 3.0+.
AE插件-中文汉化版众多图片文字汇聚成自定义图形 Pastiche v2.1.15 Mac/Win
AE/PR插件-视觉特效插件合集REVisionFX Effections Plus v22.09 CE Win含Twixtor/Flicker/RSMB
插件套装REVisionFX提供了多种优秀的插件工具,如视频降噪,超级慢动作无极变速,去闪烁,变形,调色,镜头修复等;Twixtor/Flicker/RSMB/Flex等是非常受欢迎的常用插件。兼容Win系统的AE和PR。 目前提供的是v22.09.0版本。
Blender插件-贴图烘焙插件 Bakemaster Full V2.6.0