AE插件-中文汉化版物体表面跟踪特效合成高级工具 Lockdown v2.7.1 Win
AE插件-牛顿动力学插件 Newton 3.4.10 Win + 使用教程
AE插件-中文汉化版解决字体变化画面长宽不适配的跳动问题 Monospacer v1.2.3 Win/Mac
AE插件-中文汉化版抽象创意矢量艺术视觉特效 Plotter V1.0 Win
Blender插件-快速创建和简化硬表面模型 Kit Ops 2 Pro: Asset/Kitbashing Addon v2.22.8
Blender插件-摄像机自动对焦景深工具 Autofocus Pro V0.03 + 使用教程
Autofocus Pro (previously known as aperture) makes it a breeze to add a depth of field to your scenes, by working like a real camera to automatically focus where you want, giving you more time to create beautiful animations.
Blender插件-流体粒子物理模拟效果 Physics Gen V1.4.1
插件使物理模拟更快、更容易的答案。有了无限的模拟可能性,很难知道所有可能的情况。Physics Gen设置您必须每次更改的随机值,以便一键式进行独特而有趣的模拟!
Physics Gen is the answer to making physics simulations faster and easier. With infinite simulation possibilities, it can be difficult to know all that is possible. Physics Gen sets random values you must change each and every time to make unique and interesting simulations with one button press!
Blender插件-圆环形复制克隆插件 Radial Array Tool v1.2.4
Radial Array Tool可以按照环形复制克隆模型,并且对模型做程序化变形效果
Radial Array Tool is a procedural generator for creating copies in a circular pattern. With the Radial Array Tool you can easily create clones around an active object or the 3d cursor. Configure translation, rotation and scale in each axis. All values can be set either iteratively or as a total transformation.
Blender插件-雕刻模式选区隐藏 Selection To Mask
此插件将在雕刻模式下遮盖隐藏您选择的顶点。This Addon Will mask your Selected Vertices in Sculpt Mode
Blender插件-赛博朋克科幻灯光三维模型预设 Cyberpunk Emissive Inserts – Kpack – Sci Fi Lights
这套预设包含30种赛博朋克科幻风格三维灯光模型预设,支持KIT OPS插件。
KPACK works with Kit ops. KIT OPS is the premiere kitbashing asset management tool for Blender with over 50,000 downloads. It works in both – FREE and PRO versions.
Real geometry
It is super easy to use and can be used in different workflows.
Inserts are made with no bevel applied, so you can modify them even further if you wish.
You can make anything that you want, whether it be mech, gun, crate, cylinder, or even a whole environment, such as a galaxy station or base on Mars.
The pack is made in Blender 2.9, which means it works in both versions – 2.9 and 3.0+.
Blender插件-贴图分层绘制 Philogix PBR Painter – Lite V3.0.3
Philogix PBR Painter插件可让您直接在 Blender 中进行纹理和绘制,为您提供导出 PBR 纹理的选项。图层样式的工作流程与您在 Substance Painter 和 Photoshop 中的工作流程非常 相似,这真的让 您可以轻松创建纹理并控制 纹理和纹理通道。其他非常 有趣的是还支持智能材料 ,因此您也可以 根据自己的喜好调整事物。
AE/PR插件-视觉特效插件合集REVisionFX Effections Plus v22.09 CE Win含Twixtor/Flicker/RSMB
插件套装REVisionFX提供了多种优秀的插件工具,如视频降噪,超级慢动作无极变速,去闪烁,变形,调色,镜头修复等;Twixtor/Flicker/RSMB/Flex等是非常受欢迎的常用插件。兼容Win系统的AE和PR。 目前提供的是v22.09.0版本。
AE插件-动态线条路径描边绘制生长动画 Volna V2.3 Mac苹果版兼容M1M2
Volna 是高级笔画插件,它使用蒙版来绘制笔画。插件可以使用一两个蒙版并将它们混合成具有多个笔触的新形状。每个笔画都可以用渐变填充,用柏林噪声或正弦函数扭曲。笔划粗细可以通过坡度控制进行调整。笔画可以是线或点。笔画末端可以有一个参数化的箭头。许多随机控件有助于为您的设计添加独特的外观。
Blender插件-将草图大师SU模型导入 Catchup Importer Pro v1.0.5.1
您可以轻松地将 Sketchup 中的模型直接导入 Blender,还构建了典型的CAD软件图层系统。另外,如果您已经在使用Extreme PBR插件(V3.3.3),您还可以将Sketchup材质与Extreme PBR的材质同步。
Blender插件-常春藤爬山虎生成工具 Baga Ivy Generator V1.0.5
Blender插件-水花液体流体模拟 FLIP Fluids v1.6.4
FLIP Fluids 流体插件可以帮助您设置,运行,并呈现液体模拟效果。我们定制的流体引擎基于流行的FLIP仿真技术,该技术也可以在其他专业工具(例如Houdini,Phoenix FD,Bifrost和Mantaflow)中找到。FLIP Fluids引擎已经持续开发了四年多,主要致力于将模拟器作为附件紧密集成到Blender中。感觉就像是本机的Blender工具!
Blender预设-海面水材质着色器预设 Ultimate Water Shader v2.6.0
Ae/Pr/Ps/OFX/Vegas/Nuke/达芬奇蓝宝石视觉特效插件Sapphire 2024.0 Win
蓝宝石插件Sapphire 2024可让您创建任何主机本机效...
AE插件-中文汉化版物体表面跟踪合成 Aescripts Lockdown v3.0.2+使用教程
Blender插件-多模型加效果器插件 Synchronize Modifiers V2.2.0