Adobe DNG Converter 16.2.1 将RAW文件转换成DNG文件 Win&Mac
Adobe DNG Converter 让您能够从支持的相机中将特...
特效合成软件 The Foundry Nuke Studio 10.5V4 包含Win/Mac
NUKE10是由The Foundry公司最新推出的数码节点式视觉效果软件...
Blender插件-流体粒子物理模拟效果 Physics Gen V1.4.1
插件使物理模拟更快、更容易的答案。有了无限的模拟可能性,很难知道所有可能的情况。Physics Gen设置您必须每次更改的随机值,以便一键式进行独特而有趣的模拟!
Physics Gen is the answer to making physics simulations faster and easier. With infinite simulation possibilities, it can be difficult to know all that is possible. Physics Gen sets random values you must change each and every time to make unique and interesting simulations with one button press!
AE插件:物体沿路径生长动画 Aescripts BOA Boa v1.3.1
AE/PR插件-红巨人降噪磨皮美颜调色套装 Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite V2024.0.0 Win/Mac 中文版/英文版
PS笔刷:常用艺术PS笔刷合集 GrutBrushes Art Brushes Complete – 350 Photoshop Brushes
SideFX Houdini FX 19.5.773/19.5.493/19.5.368/ Win/Mac X-Force
Houdini是一款三维计算机图形软件,由加拿大Side E...
PR 2025 视频剪辑软件中英文多语言版 Adobe Premiere Pro 2025 Win/Mac
Premiere Pro是用于电影、 电视和网络的领先视频编...
AE鱼眼广角镜头畸变扭曲修复转换插件RELens 1.5.0
Blender插件-水流特效模拟插件 Cell Fluids V1.5
Blender插件-加速建模插件 Speedflow v3.0.0 For Blender 2.8+
Speedflow是Blender的一个加快建模的插件,可以直接在三维视窗对效果器就行修改、多个效果器同时使用等 Speedflow is a group of modals that allows you to improve dramatically your workflow for modeling! With the addon, you can manage modifiers directly in the 3D view as simple and fast as possible. Select an
AE插件-三维通道蒙板合成控制 Position Matte v2.3 Mac/Win
Position Matte 插件是一个强大的合成工具,拥有多种场景模式. 允许创建基于三维应用程序输出的世界位置通道 World Position Passes 的蒙版,在AE后期合成中意味着拥有更大的灵活性和创造性。