AE脚本:倒鸭子风格文字运动排版MG动画 Aescripts TypeMonkey v1.17
Premiere转场预设:常用12种风格转场效果 Infini2y Pack of Transitions
Blender插件-卡通光效路径拖尾插件 Mesh Trails V1.3.3 + 预设包
AE脚本:人物角色骨骼IK绑定动画控制Aescripts Limber V1.0
红巨人粒子特效套装插件 Red Giant Trapcode Suite 14.0.4 Win/Mac
Blender插件-一键快速生成卡通手绘线条边框效果 Hand Drawn Line Generator V2.4
Blender插件-视频物体跟踪合成 Keentools GeoTracker 2023.2.0
ZBrush 2021.5 三维雕刻建模软件中文版/英文版 Win破解版
最强伴奏与人声分离工具:UVR5 (Ultimate Vocal Remover GUI v5.5.0)
UVR5 (Ultimate Vocal Remover GUI v5.4.0) 是一款...
AE脚本:读表进度条制作 Aescripts LoadUP v1.65
Blender插件-烘焙工具 Baketool V2.5.0
BakeTool 是 Cogumelo Softworks 开发的内部解决方案,用于使用 Cycles 和 BI 进行烘焙渲染。对于那些使用 Interactive Ambient、Arch Viz、Games… 并且需要为您的资产、完整场景、高多边形到低多边形法线贴图等提供 Blender 烘焙解决方案的用户,烘焙工具正是您所需要的。
BakeTool is the In-House solution developed by Cogumelo Softworks for Bake Rendering with Cycles and BI. For those that work with Interactive Ambient , Arch Viz, Games… and need a Blender Baking Solution for your Assets, Full scenes, High Poly to Low Poly Normal Maps and others, Bake Tool is just what you need.
C4D教程-科技感地形动画 Lowepost – Hud Landscape in Cinema 4D & After Effects
AE模板-490种互联网生活建筑医疗食品工具社交媒体循环线条平面图标动画 Animated Line Icons
AE/PR插件-中文汉化版随机生成像素块视觉特效 Block Swap v1.5 Win/Mac
Randomly shuffles image blocks. Great for clean-looking noise effects, blocky glitches and transitions.
AE脚本-快速清除时间轴中未使用的素材图层 Reduce Footage Layers v1.23
Blender插件-选项面板整理管理 Horizon Panels V1.10
我们每天都在 Blender 中使用插件,我们使用 N-panels,但 N-panels 的初始设计存在一些设计问题。Horizon Panels 是一个 Blender 插件,可以直观地管理 N 面板。您无需记住任何热键,只需使用提供的直观 UI。
We use add-on very day with Blender, and we use N-panels, but the initial design of N-panels has some design issues. Here are the main two of them:
There is no enough space to show all tabs while the N-panels increase
N-panels tabs are shown vertically, this make user hard to read them
AE脚本-视频像素撕拉损坏噪点 Aescripts Datamosh v2.1.2
Maya插件-快捷键管理插件工具箱 Zoo Tools Pro v2.7.6 + 使用教程
Zoo Tools Pro 2(又名C3dC Prefs)是Maya的模块化框架,如果您是编码人员,则可以只使用它,也可以添加自己的工具。此更新还将带来新的自动装备,基于图像的工具的浏览器,设置,HDR,首选项窗口,触发标记菜单,快捷键功能,小工具,灯光预设,模型预设等。对艺术家和TD /开发人员很有用。
三维服装设计软件个人版 Marvelous Designer 11 Personal 6.1.601 Win破解版/中文版/英文版
红巨星调色套装 Red Giant Magic Bullet Suite 14.0.1
Blender插件-形态键整理 Shape Key Collections V1.00
组织形状键是一场噩梦,因为由于原生 Blender 中缺乏任何此类机制,您无法为它们赋予结构。这是 Shape Key Collections 节省时间并允许完全控制您的 shape 键的地方。B环结构混乱,一个文件夹结构。使用这个新的管理系统,您可以重命名和组织哪些形状键进入哪个文件夹集合,包括子文件夹的好处,以获得您的许多形状键的完整细节。
Organizing shape keys is a nightmare because you just cannot give them structure due to the lack of any such mechanism in native Blender.This is where Shape Key Collections saves the day and allows for full control over your shape keys. Bring structure to the chaos, a folder structure, that is.With this new management system you can rename and organize which shape keys go in which folder collection, including the benefit of subfolders for full detail of your many shape keys.