Blender插件-选中边缘高亮显示插件 Seams Around Selection V1.1
Quickly create seams along face selections, combine existing UV islands and speed up your work when unwrapping organic and hard-surface models.
Blender插件-圆环形复制克隆插件 Radial Array Tool v1.2.4
Radial Array Tool可以按照环形复制克隆模型,并且对模型做程序化变形效果
Radial Array Tool is a procedural generator for creating copies in a circular pattern. With the Radial Array Tool you can easily create clones around an active object or the 3d cursor. Configure translation, rotation and scale in each axis. All values can be set either iteratively or as a total transformation.
Blender插件-下雨涟漪雨滴特效插件 Rain Water v2.1 + 使用教程
A set of shader nodes to add rain and water to any material!From a light shower, to a heavy downpour. From puddles to raging sea.The nodes create water, waves, ripples and splash rings on the water as well as refraction and discoloring of surfaces below water level. Raindrop splashes and wetness seeping on surfaces above water level complete the effect!
Blender插件-场景分析优化工具 ToOptimize Tools V1.2.4
ToOptmize Tools 是 Blender 的一个插件,它将帮助您使用非常有用的工具以简单的方式优化您的场景。该插件将向您展示是什么让您的场景变得更重,比较场景中的每个对象、集合、纹理和材质!
ToOptmize Tools is an addon for Blender that will help you to optimize your scene in a simple way with very useful tools. The addon will show you what is making your scene heavier, comparing each object, collection, texture, and material in your scene!
Blender插件-天空地形山水自然环境生成器 TerrainScapes V2.0
The TerrainScapes addon is an expanding library of assets and toolsets which enables Blender users creating lovely landscape scenes. Our goal for this addon is to make it as intuitive an easy to use, but also as qualitative and adaptive as possible.
Blender插件-船只绑定专业版工具 Boat-Rig Pro V1.3b
Boat-Rig Pro是一个设计用于装配船只的工具包,它可以让您创建非常逼真的动画。安装快速简便。Boat-Rig Pro is a kit designed to rig boats, it will allow you to create very realistic animations. Installation is quick and easy.
Blender插件-洋葱皮动作残影工具 Breakdowner V2.0
Blender插件-图层动画控制工具 Animation Layers V2.1.2.1
使用标准动画层 UI 和工作流直接在您的 3D 视口中使用额外的层功能快速编辑您的动画或动作捕捉数据。Animation Layers是一个插件,可将 NLA 编辑器的工作简化为标准动画层工作流程。您可以快速创建、选择和编辑每个图层,而无需进入 NLA 的调整模式,并且在处理任何图层时始终可以看到最终结果。快速添加或删除图层,或使用 NLA 的“静音、影响、独奏及其混合模式”选项控制其影响。当您对动画感到满意时,您可以随时合并图层或烘焙到新图层。如果您想在烘焙后保持相同数量的整体关键帧,那么您也可以使用智能烘焙选项。
Blender插件-头发辫子制作工具 Braids Generator V2.01
Blender插件-摄像机真实物理灯光自动对焦工具 Photographer v4.7.3
Photographer V4 专属功能:
World Mixer ,一个用户友好的界面,用于管理每个摄像机的 HDRI 和 World 材料。
相机的光学渐晕和 散景纹理支持。
Blender插件-动漫卡通风格着色器 Fade – Toon Asset Pack V1.4
Toon rendering for hard! Broken normals or Emissive shading are your only options and both results are equally disappointing…Fade is a Toon Asset Pack crafted for quickly creating NPR scenes and animations.
Blender插件-三维全息科幻投影材质工具 Cyber Holograms
三维全息科幻投影材质工具。所有材料都是程序化的、可动画的,并且可以在 Eevee 和 Cycles 上完美运行。
Cyber Holograms is a pack of Holographic materials available in 2 versions, One version for Extreme PBR Nexus, and one version for Asset Browser included in the same package All materials are procedural, animatable, and work perfectly on Eevee and Cycles
Blender插件-动画关键帧比例缩放工具 Retime V1.0.3
Blender插件-模拟火焰燃烧扩散特效 Ignite – Fire Dynamics V1.00+使用教程
Ignite为 Blender添加了一种全新类型的物理模拟。到目前为止,“火”模拟始终是静态的:火焰只是从同一个地方源源不断地冒出来。取而代之的是,使用 Ignite,您可以点燃小火,看着它蔓延并消耗掉物体。随着热量在表面和空气中传播,材料燃烧并留下烧焦的表面。
Ignite adds a completely new type of physics simulation to Blender. Up until now, “fire” simulations were always static: flames just came endlessly from the same spot. Instead, with Ignite, you can start a small fire and watch it spread and consume the object. As heat spreads over the surface and through the air, the material burns up and leaves behind charred surfaces.
Blender插件-室内设计三维房屋搭建生成器 Easy House Generator
Easy House Generator is a handy Blender add-on that allows you to create interiors in a few clicks.You can add walls, doors, windows, stairs and other elements, move them around with precision snap controls,change materials and even create your own elements and add them to the library.
Blender插件-选项面板整理管理 Horizon Panels V1.10
我们每天都在 Blender 中使用插件,我们使用 N-panels,但 N-panels 的初始设计存在一些设计问题。Horizon Panels 是一个 Blender 插件,可以直观地管理 N 面板。您无需记住任何热键,只需使用提供的直观 UI。
We use add-on very day with Blender, and we use N-panels, but the initial design of N-panels has some design issues. Here are the main two of them:
There is no enough space to show all tabs while the N-panels increase
N-panels tabs are shown vertically, this make user hard to read them
Blender插件-流体粒子物理模拟效果 Physics Gen V1.4.1
插件使物理模拟更快、更容易的答案。有了无限的模拟可能性,很难知道所有可能的情况。Physics Gen设置您必须每次更改的随机值,以便一键式进行独特而有趣的模拟!
Physics Gen is the answer to making physics simulations faster and easier. With infinite simulation possibilities, it can be difficult to know all that is possible. Physics Gen sets random values you must change each and every time to make unique and interesting simulations with one button press!
Blender插件-出色的材质纹理贴图系统 Eevee + Cycles Materials System V9.1
Eevee + Cycles Materials System(曾用名Definitely Eevee Materials System)拥有220多种照片级的材质集合,包括一些令人惊叹的板面板、边缘磨损、玻璃、全息等等。可以使用随附的免费版KIT OPS添加到任何对象,对象不需要UV映射!使用包含的系统化方法,您可以创建无限数量的衍生照片级材质。
It’s a collection of 100+ EEVEE compatible Photoreal Materials which can be added to any object using the included FREE version of KIT OPS. No UV mapping necessary for objects!Using the included systematized approach, you can create an infinite number of derivative photoreal materials.
Blender插件-添加内切面效果 Round Inset V2.01
Round Inset 是一个方便的工具,用于具有 100% 原始圆角的嵌入面。 Round Inset is a handy tool for Inset face with 100% original round corners.
Blender插件-钢铁金属材质节点预设 Modular Metals
Modular Metals是一个全面的节点组和预设集合,旨在帮助您在 Blender 中构建各种金属材质效果。这些节点是为 Blender 内部的Cycles渲染引擎设计的,可与Glossy BSDF 着色器结合使用,但输出已在许多节点上分离,以便您将结果与您喜欢的任何着色器一起使用。