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受到 Chip Walters 的 Simple Sci-Fi 的启发,这是为了帮助那些想要在背景中渲染具有植物、月亮、小行星和环的场景的人,插件可快速生成各种行星、卫星、小行星和星环等,模拟科幻未来场景。只需添加这些插入并启动您的史诗场景的渲染。这些行星是程序生成的,其中一些具有城市排放,而另一些则具有熔岩流排放。小行星是基于几何节点的,可以通过参数进行调整以生成或多或少的密度场。 Inspired by Simple Sci-Fi from Chip Walters, this is to help those wanting to render scenes with Plants, Moons, Asteroids and Rings in the backdrop. Just add these inserts and fire off the render of your epic scene.

拥有超过1000个模型、材质纹理、HDRI预设,8K超高清分辨率,可直接使用。这个插件让您可以直接在Blender内部更快地访问它们。All of our assets are available for free on polyhaven.com. This add-on gives you faster access to them directly inside of Blender, and by purchasing it you’ll also be supporting our work to make more assets for everyone!

Post FX包含超过40种后期功能,包括调色预设、添加光效、色相饱和度曝光、信号损坏特效等 Post FX is a powerful addon that upgrades Blender’s compositor with 40+ new core features.Easy to use Layer System for simple workflows.Powerful Pie Menu for experts.Create your custom pipeline in seconds without touching a single node connection!

可以快速吸附光标到顶点或者线上,也可以对光标做移动或者旋转处理 With the “Sad cursor” tool you can change the position and orientation of the 3D cursor in one click. Working with it has become much faster and more convenient, no need to press a bunch of keys to do one action. Changing it’s orientation and making precise movements has always been tricky to do. Also, you can assign your favorite hotkey for each action to prevent interfering with other addons.

Half Knife是Blender的一款切割插件,可以更加快速和准确的进行切割 Half Knife is a product for PRO users who wants to improve their work speed. The tool is designed by PRO Blender user. And now he can work faster with this tool.

    【插件简介】 可以在Blender中直接导入STEP格式的文件...


  【插件简介】 在做绑定的适合很容易发生模型挤压变形的情况,Squ...

    【插件简介】 包含多个精心设计的雕刻和绘画小部件,...

recision Gears可以制作各种精密的齿轮模型,包含参数化系统,可以自定义齿轮效果 Precision Gears is a blender addon developed to bring an array of mathematically accurate involute gears to the precision world of Blender. Not only that, it’s all incapsulated inside the closest thing to a faux “parametric” system, giving you the ability to change your gears on the fly.

一款重新拓扑工具,旨在在处理大面积区域时非常快速地在您的3d模型上生成四边形曲面。使用此工具,您可以非常快速地生成四边形。A retopology tool for Blender designed to very quickly generate quad surfaces on your 3d model when working with large areas.

使用Blender的新一代资源管理器Flow插件可加快您的工作流程并改进您的场景。它不是简单的资产库,而是一组独特的工具,旨在改进整个Blender工作流程。不要再浪费时间浏览您的文件夹,只需添加您的资源并点击几下鼠标即可轻松使用它们!比以往更快地创建场景! Speed up your workflow and improve your scenes using Flow, the next-level asset manager for Blender. Why next level? Because it is not the simple asset library, but the unique set of tools, designed for improving the whole Blender workflow. Stop wasting time on browsing your folders, just add your assets and use them easily with a few mouse clicks! Create your scenes faster than ever!

支持权重绘制,通过表格显示和编辑权重,通过数值设置权重,加强顶点选择等。 Supports weight painting by displaying and editing weights in a table, setting weights by numerical, strengthen vertex selection , etc.

镜头管理器旨在通过保存帧范围、渲染相机、视图层和输出路径来加快渲染管理和镜头设计。也非常适合为游戏动画和多机位渲染设置拆分单个时间线动画。非常适合预制作和独立创作者。 Shot Manager is designed to speed up render management and shot design by saving frame ranges, render cameras, view layers and output paths. Also perfect for splitting up a single timeline animation for game animation and multi-cam rendering set-ups. Great for pre-production and independent creators.

只需单击一下,即可根据您的口味创建完整的雷暴。根据您可以访问的随机参数,每个闪电都是独一无二的。 Ever tried to make a thunderstorm? It’s all doable, but the lightning flashes are … well let’s say: Not really fun to make. Especially when you want multiple flashes, it quickly becomes exhausting.This is exactly the reason why I created this add-on. It should just be fun to make a thunderstorm!

插件可帮助您产生华丽的效果,并为您的模型提供数十种有趣的照明建议。 使用 Pro-Lighting Studio,您将发现新的照明设置,并在几分钟内 创建最佳渲染。 Pro-Lighting Studio is a Blender addon that helps you produce gorgeous results, with dozens of interesting lighting suggestions for your model.

可让您浏览并导入所需文件 – 无需额外步骤!使用附加组件,您无需检查要导入的文件是什么文件类型,从而节省时间。可兼容直接导入FBX, GLB, GLTF, OBJ, MTL, X3D, WRL, ABC, PLY, STL, BVH, SVG, PNG, JPG, JPEG, TIFF, VDB, USD, USDC, USDA, DAE, BLEND格式

BakeTool 是 Cogumelo Softworks 开发的内部解决方案,用于使用 Cycles 和 BI 进行烘焙渲染。对于那些使用 Interactive Ambient、Arch Viz、Games… 并且需要为您的资产、完整场景、高多边形到低多边形法线贴图等提供 Blender 烘焙解决方案的用户,烘焙工具正是您所需要的。 BakeTool is the In-House solution developed by Cogumelo Softworks for Bake Rendering with Cycles and BI. For those that work with Interactive Ambient , Arch Viz, Games… and need a Blender Baking Solution for your Assets, Full scenes, High Poly to Low Poly Normal Maps and others, Bake Tool is just what you need.

实时在3d视口中将您的场景渲染为像素艺术风格,并带有一些风格化的控件。Pixel Art Renderer render your scene into pixel art style in real-time 3d viewport, with some stylized controls.

Blender插件-三维藤蔓植物模拟生成器。Dynamically creates and sticks vines to nearby collections you define

只需单击几下即可创建、调整和可视化倒角!Zen BBQ is an add-on for creating, adjusting, and visualizing Bevels in a couple of clicks! Are you tired of preparing geometry for the Subd or Bevel modifiers? Look no further!

Citigen是Blender的附加组件。无需 HDRI,无需为简单的无人机拍摄(如 POI 或 Course Lock)装配动画摄像机!只需单击几下,您就可以创建无限多种城市环境,配备街道、交通信号灯、树木等 – 与您的 RAM、CPU 和 GPU 允许的一样大。Citigen 附带的默认城市道具 在 10 到 15 英尺的范围内看起来就像是真实的东西,对于类似无人机拍摄的场景来说已经足够了,但是您可以将自己的详细建筑模型添加到 Citigen 库中以进行特写镜头! Citigen is a Blender add-on. No need for HDRIs, no need for rigging animation cameras for simple drone shots like POI or Course Lock!With a few clicks, you can create a limitless variety of city environments equipped with streets, traffic lights, trees, and etc–as huge as your RAMs, CPUs, and GPUs allow. The default city props that ship with Citigen will look like a real thing from 10 to 15 feet a way, good enough for drone-shot-like scenarios, but you can add your own detailed building models to the Citigen library for close-up shots!

在几秒钟内照亮您的模型的最简单和最快的方法,您不需要了解灯光和所有这些废话,只需点击您喜欢的灯光预设,然后 Vera 就会发挥所有魔力,它带有网格灯和体积效果科幻效果真的很快. Vera Light Studio is the easiest and fastest way to light your model in seconds you do not need knowledge of lighting and all that crap just tap the Lighting Preset you like and then Vera does all the magic, it comes with Mesh Lights and Volumetric effect for that scifi effects real quick.

Cablecam 装备和附加组件旨在让您轻松创建电影般的镜头移动。使用三轴控制系统,您的传统相机动画将成为过去。只需选择您希望相机在场景中寻找特定时刻的位置,然后选择您希望相机在那个时刻的位置,然后使用旋转控件校正您的地平线。这可能意味着以电影的方式环绕您的主体,轻松地缓慢跟踪您的主体以在您的场景中建立张力,或者甚至使用我们的按钮脚本将相机装备连接到“电缆”,以自定义跟踪您的场景路径。 The Cablecam rig and add-on is designed to allow you to create cinematic sweeping camera moves with little effort. Using the three axis control system you traditional camera animation for you can be a thing of the past.

